A new node is created first as the only child of the container node.
I'll live with my parents. You know, I'm the only child in my family.
I am the only child in my family, so my parents give me all the things.
Barack Obama is the only child born of Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr.
Jane Fairfax was an orphan, the only child of Mrs. Bates's youngest daughter.
The Edsel was named for Edsel Ford, the only child of company founder Henry Ford.
Edsel是以福特汽车公司创始亨利·福特的独子Edsel Ford的名字来命名的。
Our Walker is 2 and a half, and he is not the only child diagnosed with diabetes.
It is very nice to be the only child; you don't need to share or grab things from others.
Therefore, compared with the children who have brother or sister, the only child would feel lonelier.
No matter how many brothers and sisters, each one is the only child, this is the parents and children.
The parents are easy to pay all their attention to the only child, so they will spoil the child naturally.
Duat is the only child in his family who was affected by his father’s exposure to Agent Orange during the war.
First, it is good for the only child to have a sister or brother, so that the child can learn to share things.
The parents are easily to focus their all attention to the only child, they want to give all the things he wants.
The core family members are mother, father, and you if your parents only have one child or you are the only child.
I am the only child in my family, my parents give me all the things I want and I don't feel like missing anything.
According to some social surveys, we can see that the only child in most Chinese families feels lonely in some ways.
Of course, part of the reason we assume only children are spoiled is that whatever parents have to give, the only child gets it all.
They are both the only child in their family. Their parents aren’t against their being together, but both wish their kid being at home.
Particularly due to the one-child policy, the only child is the greatest hope of parents and is provided with all the available resources.
Some foreign universities are refusing applications from "China one," the only child in a family, due to their weak self-care ability, the Jiangnan Times reported.
Hughes grew up in Hickory, North Carolina, the only child of older parents of modest means — his father was a paper salesman; his mother, a former public-school teacher.
The young Irene Pepperberg was not the only child to have been enthralled by the "Dr Dolittle" stories, in which a doctor is taught the language of animals by his parrot.
年幼的Irene Pepperberg和许多孩子一样曾都对《怪医杜立德》着迷不已。在这个故事中,杜立德医生在其饲养的鹦鹉的教学下,学会了动物语言。
The young Irene Pepperberg was not the only child to have been enthralled by the "Dr Dolittle" stories, in which a doctor is taught the language of animals by his parrot.
年幼的Irene Pepperberg和许多孩子一样曾都对《怪医杜立德》着迷不已。在这个故事中,杜立德医生在其饲养的鹦鹉的教学下,学会了动物语言。