Moderate consumption of red wine or aspirin may delay the onset of age-related deafness and reduce hearing loss caused by loud noise and some antibiotics.
Apple juice consumption may play some role in helping to prevent the onset of age-related cognitive decline such as Alzheimer's disease, according to a new animal study.
Reducing calorie intake slows aging and significantly delays the onset of age-related problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and brain atrophy in monkeys, a new study says.
Another important push was the onset of the Little Ice Age, a climatic phenomenon that led to cooler temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere.
In many countries with good measles control, an increasing age at onset of SSPE has been observed attributable to cases that acquired measles infection at a time when the disease was more prevalent.
The median age of onset is in the early 40s, and it does tend to affect men and women equally.
Of those 41 children with bipolar disorder whose parent also had bipolar disorder, 31 (75.6%) had onset before the age of 12 years.
Bilingualism even seems to delay the onset of dementia in old age.
While the study set age 4 years as the minimum age for onset of bipolar disorder, some parents reported their child's bipolar-disorder-like symptoms began even before that age.
And some of the signatures correlate with the latest age of onset of age-related diseases, such as dementia or cardiovascular disease.
Both groups became more disabled with age, but for the runners the onset of disability started later - an average of 16 years later.
The survey found the average age for the onset of puberty of Guangzhou's children dropped to 11 years old from the previous age of 13.
Predictors of poor prognosis are greater baseline impairment (where patients are greatly impaired at the onset), cognitive disturbance, old age, and lack of temors at the onset of the disease.
The average age of onset for disorder classes was earliest for anxiety at 6 years, followed by age 11 for behavior disorders, age 13 for mood disorders, and age 15 for substance use disorders.
Coffee intake was also tied to a delay in blepharospasm onset. For each additional cup consumed per day, the age of blepharospasm onset increased by 1.7 years.
From about the age of 45 or so initially, the lens gradually hardening, decreased flexibility, ciliary body function has been weakened, and onset of presbyopia.
The initial onset age of reentry tachycardia induced by atrioventricular accessory pathway and dual atrioventricular nodal pathways was investigated.
The offspring also showed signs of insulin resistance, a condition that precedes the early onset of type-2 diabetes, as early as 3 weeks of age.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology a peak period of pediatric onset is age 11 to 12 in both boys and girls.
These findings from the Genetic Epidemiology of Parkinson's Disease study suggest that the gene may impact susceptibility for Parkinson's disease and modify age at onset, the researchers said.
Objective To study the difference in clinical characteristics and experimental profiles of primary Sj gren's syndrome(pSS)with a different onset age.
Conclusion: the GRIK2 gene or neighboring gene may be one of common susceptible genes for schizophrenia and mood disorders in Chinese Han population, also may affect the age of onset.
Familial predisposition and MIN-positive re- lated strongly with early age of cancer onset, the proclivity for proximal colonic, poor differentiated and extracolorectal malignancy (P<0.01, P<0.05).
If pollution continues to increase at the present rate, aerosols in the atmosphere will cause the onset of an ice age in about fifty years' time.
The stereoscopic vision in 48 concomitant esotropia patients after operation was observed. The influence of age of onset and operative age on stereovision was compared.
Methods The visual acuity, age of onset, bilateral incidence, gender ratio and fundus fluorescence angiography were analyzed in 252 patients with CSC.
Parental anxiety, the number of AEDs, onset age, seizuring frequency and duration were significantly associated with quality of life of children(P<0.05).
The age of patients at the onset of disease histological characteristics of sacrococcygeal tumors are analysed in this report.
The age of patients at the onset of disease histological characteristics of sacrococcygeal tumors are analysed in this report.