Mr. Thomas Christensen, the Consul General of Denmark gave the opening speech.
Stephen Urquhart, President of OMEGA International, delivers the opening speech.
This morning, we gathered here to celebrate the opening of the festival. First, let's welcome vice-principal Mr. Zhou to address the opening speech with warm applause.
At the end of your speech, try to summarize your most important points in slightly different words from the ones you used in your opening.
The idea of recommending humor in a presentation gets a bad rap because of the common and tired practice of opening up a speech with a joke, almost always a lame one.
Shoichiro Toyoda, Chairman of Aichi World Expo delivered a speech in the opening ceremony, noting that China is the most important country for Japan.
Mr Karzai's opening speech was interrupted by the sound of explosions and gunfire some distance away.
During the opening ceremony, Chinese Ambassador to Belgium Zhang Yuanyuan delivered a speech.
He is scheduled to deliver a keynote speech at the opening session of the Copenhagen summit.
On June 17, he attended the opening ceremony of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum and delivered a speech.
Chinese Ambassador to Canada, H.E. Lan Lijun, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.
"We realize that to ensure peaceful and stable east Asia region, we must ensure stability and security in the region," he said in his opening speech.
In his speech at the opening plenary, Wolfowitz said IDA had provided $9.5 billion in support for the poor, more than ever before, with half of that dedicated to Africa.
In his last speech, the CEO reassured us that even though we are opening many new production lines, we will still maintain our standards.
Bai began his speech with these humorous remarks. His opening received immediate applause and laughter from the audience.
Structure the opening, body and closing of the speech effectively.
The remarks are to be delivered in the Thai capital, Bangkok, on Thursday, a day before the Games' opening. After delivering the speech, Bush will travel to China for the opening ceremony on Friday.
Sometimes delivering an elevator speech can lead to a huge opening you can fill later on—the "Elevator Speech Effect".
Make speech whether include the profound ending of opening speech and main as well as a meaning?
"All right, get in," said the driver happily, opening the door of the taxi. "I'll take you, and to hell with Churchill and his speech?" '!
The security did not prevent an interloper getting on to the stage at the opening ceremony and making a speech in support of the local farmers.
The dean of our school delivered an opening speech, followed by the student representative, who presented the school with a check of $ 280,000 donated by the class of 1999.
The cultural factors are first categorized by the author into different groups according to the components of a speech, namely salutation, opening remarks and main contents.
Xiehe Education Group pricipal Mrs. Lu did the opening ceremory speech and explained the meaning of bilingual.
Xiehe Education Group pricipal Mrs. Lu did the opening ceremory speech and explained the meaning of bilingual.