Rich clients certainly sound like the optimal method, so why haven't they been widely used?
Objective To study the optimal method of preparing the rabbit acellular dermal matrix (ADM).
The optimal method-penalty technique can be used to solve discrete variable project problems.
Conclusion MRI combined with DSA is the optimal method in diagnosing spinal vascular malformation.
Objective To explore the optimal method of airway humidification for patients with artificial airway.
The extraction yield of the lactones under the optimal method was above 70%, and the purity was above 90%.
So it is very important to choose the optimal method and perform the best therapeutic regimen on the patients behalf.
OBJECTIVE:To investigate the optimal method of myoelectric hand feedback training and evaluate the effect of myoelectric hand.
Through examples it proves that the optimal method of the combinational logic based on the rough set is both feasible and effective.
Through examples it proves that the optimal method of the combinational logic based on the rough set is both feasible and effective.
Objective To explore the optimal method for the treatment of the elbow joint stiffness accompanied with neural injury after electrical injury.
This paper pays much attention to the optimal method for perfecting the throat area design which is one of the key procedures of CARYD system.
The switching surface was obtained by using the optimal method and the controller was designed by using the method of exponential approach law.
The intense pulsed light system which the light source is Xe-flash-lamp has become the optimal method for the photo-rejuvenation all the world now.
Objective To investigate the optimal method for the imaging of the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves by comparing their MR imaging and dissections.
Conclusion This method was sensitive, simple and economic, and was one of the optimal method in study of HIV-1 early replication and HIV pathogenesis.
This paper presents the operating principle, the mathematical model and the experimental results. The optimal method of PID is also discussed in the paper.
Peritoneal dialysis is confirmed safe and effective, and should be the optimal method as renal replacement therapy for end-stage diabetic nephropathy patients.
Practice for the development of oilfield exploitation of the world indicates that the water jet perforation is the optimal method for low permeability reservoir.
The model parameters are estimated by the optimal method of nonlinear programming, and the equivalent mixing coefficient is regressed in a dimensionless equation.
Objective To explore the optimal method for the enteric nutrition (en) fluid heat preservation and reduce or control the complications caused by temperature improper of en fluid.
Conclusions the nasal endoscopy is the convention examination for the patients with sphenoid sinus disease. Endoscopic sinus surgery is the optimal method for sphenoid sinus disease.
Experiments proved that this expert system can select the optimal method for feature analysis according to the characteristics of data and those methods for analysis, and can provide a fe...
It is shown that the optimal method can effectively prompt the kinematic stability of epicyclic belt transmission, and may be the most effective means in designing epicyclic belt transmission.
Rod pumping oil recovery system is applied widely, the optimal method was usually used to enhance the efficiency, but it is easy to ignore that the electromotor matches other fixtures rationally.
The curves of vibration and strain under the 1st flexural vibration mode are illustrated. It is educed that sticking PZT pieces on the peak of vibration is the optimal method to stick PZT pieces.
Based on an example, the mathematical model of multi goals fuzzy reliability optimal design for ZK worm gearing was established. The optimal method and optimal solution on worm gearing were given.
Through simulations, compared with other similar algorithms, the optimal method enhances greatly the ranging accuracy, the suboptimal method is easier to implement while its performance reduces less.
Through simulations, compared with other similar algorithms, the optimal method enhances greatly the ranging accuracy, the suboptimal method is easier to implement while its performance reduces less.