In the movie "the Perfect Storm", Greenlaw was played by Mary Elizabeth Masterantonio.
North Countryopens with Charlize Theron clad in a lime-green sweater, and The Perfect Storm closes with Diane Lane in a dingy gray one.
These new tech improvements, and constantly lowering costs, are creating what amounts to the perfect storm for starting a freelance business.
Recently, however, they have begun to up the rhetorical stakes, talking of floods, tidal waves, tsunamis and, inevitably, the perfect storm.
But that danger is also part of the allure, as the success of TV shows like the Deadliest Catch and books like the Perfect Storm demonstrates.
More important, the perfect storm of the past 18 months has seared the American consumer psyche, likely launching a sea change in spending behavior.
But although Zell was making excuses for his own mismanagement, the perfect storm is real enough, and it is threatening to destroy newspapers as we know them.
Just two years ago the perfect storm of a decade of excess credit, excessive leverage and uncontrolled expansion by financial institutions precipitated the crisis.
The following six trends are converging to form the perfect storm for global destruction, each of which is a potential civilization buster in its own right, if left unchecked.
The route will have waypoints to avoid any risk from ice and will take you close to the Flemish Cap, a fishing ground made famous in the book and film, The Perfect Storm.
It's no wonder that the industry's perils have given rise to a popular documentary TV series, Deadliest Catch, and a best-selling book and hit Hollywood film, the Perfect Storm.
Again, my apologies for being so short with this post - house guests, book writing, and preparing for a couple little trips - all creating the perfect storm of distraction this week!
"It's the perfect storm," Darragh said. "you've got.".. young people who want to build companies and be social entrepreneurs, and you have the baby boomers who could be the social investors.
Set in the low-lying Ganges–Brahmaputra River Delta, Bangladesh sits in a perfect storm of climactic conditions.
The combination of how close it was to the coast and how shallow it was made it a "perfect storm for the tsunami generation," said Susan Hough of the U.S. Geological Survey in Pasadena.
The combination of how close it was to the coast and how shallow it was made it a "perfect storm for the tsunami generation," said Susan Hough of the U. S. Geological Survey in Pasadena.
Timmer explained that the global economy was going through “a perfect storm,” with the global recession, the credit crunch, and languishing confidence working together in a very negative dynamic.
Combine the perils of communication technology with our predisposition not to want to talk about the stuff that's in the middle of the room, and you have a perfect storm of anti-communication.
The death of two pregnant sufferers offered a perfect storm for the panic-merchants and their media acolytes, who duly staged a full MMR-style scare.
If little is done in the coming years, Beddington says the "perfect storm" of threats will increase the likelihood of unrest, conflict and mass migration in various parts of the world.
Cubillas Ding, research director with consulting firm Celent, said: “After surviving ‘perfect storm' conditions exactly a year ago, things appear to be on the mend, but they need to move more swiftly.
咨询公司Celent研究部负责人库比拉斯•丁(Cubillas Ding)表示:“在从整整一年前的‘完美风暴'中逃生之后,摩根士丹利的状况似乎正在好转,但他们的动作还需加快。
These could come together to create what the experts are calling 'the perfect microbial storm.
Concerns are mounting that the Beijing 2008 Olympics could face a perfect storm of bad publicity. If so, how can corporate sponsors avoid getting drenched?
This year has seen no such opposite of a perfect storm, yet the summer sea-ice minimum is a mere 4% bigger than that record.
It's a perfect storm for food gardening, "Butterfield said, noting the downturn coincided with growing interest nationwide in eating locally produced food."
It's a perfect storm for food gardening, "Butterfield said, noting the downturn coincided with growing interest nationwide in eating locally produced food."