But his actual last meal at the White House was a simple affair: slices of pineapple arranged around a plop of cottage cheese, paired with a glass of milk and served on a silver tray.
"Do you always plop down on the same spot on the couch, with the same television show on and the same bowl of chips in your hand?" asks Huberman.
Valentine's day arrived again, the holidays people heart such as the rabbit plop jump, waiting lover phone calls, to taste the taste of love. Lovers do get happiness!
You take your food and plop in front of the television to find the same stupid smiley rolling down the isles of a Wal-mart AD, bringing customers shopping cheer as they peruse the super store.
Shine on a demon mirror: be! And very of demon! Make my heart plop plop the ground be disorderly to jump!
I had to turn away and as I did so a great big giant tear rolled its way out of my eye, down the side of my nose and landed - plop - right there on the toecap of one of my black suede shoes.
He adjusted the control of the piano has a tendency to 'plop', making it a little better, but the other piano is still higher (possibly the design).
The other piano had a tendency after initial resistance at the top of the keystroke to then go 'plop' to the bottom.
Today, I used the staff toilets at school. As I sat down, I heard a sudden plop, followed by the stench of diarrhoea from the next cubicle.
Others prefer the piano after initial resistance at the top of the button, and then go 'plop' at the bottom.
Others prefer the piano after initial resistance at the top of the button, and then go 'plop' at the bottom.