As you see in Figure 4, The solution to the point-in-polygon problem is to draw a horizontal line starting at the point in question.
At that point, seeing this unique behavior relative to the question, I was convinced that her son was in the house or had been to the house recently.
Question to Metatron: Are you saying that Grimes Point and other such 'Time-Gate Vectors' allow for or enhance the ability to travel in time?
If we have some views, it may finally end up to the question that if any problems exist in the current international monetary system, whether we shall solve the problem from this point of view.
the position of the highest point P we first ask ourselves the question from equation number four: 0 when is the velocity in the y direction zero?
If somebody answers a question in a way that you think didn't put your best foot forward find a constructive way of adding to the point rather than disagreeing with your team member.
The particular app in question is a subway route finder that shows route signs when you point your phone one direction or another.
Suddenly, I began to question the impossible. Maybe I might fail, but what's the point in not trying?
The latter two are simply the "inverse" of the first two, the only difference being whether the end point in question is on the receiving or sending end of the initial message.
Without answers to that question, there seems little point then in doing the tests.
The underrated Spielberg movie AI asked this question in a tear-jerk way from the point of view of an extremely realistic robot boy – a modern Pinocchio.
School-leavers may question the point of going to university, with such a dearth of jobs, but the survey also shows a contraction in vacancies for teenagers.
At this point you should also be asking yourself if the acquisition of these same links is possible for the website in question.
But I accept the point as I said in the beginning, which is it's time to get the structure clear and the lines question.
Writes Brand of his riddle: "I asked the question of Gregory Bateson at a point in our interview when we were lost in contemplation of the function, if any, of consciousness — self-consciousness."
I think what... the point of this question is I think what they want to do is see how you look at yourself. So can you evaluate your own performance in a way and also can you...
Therefore, Flex picks up the local coordinates of a point near the bottom right corner of the component in question and applies "local to global" conversions to it.
If this article was a session at a conference, a dozen hands would be raised at this point with the same question: "What about the data in the table?"
To the question that a single failure point exists in the centralized metadata management for parallel file systems, this paper presents a dual-metadata server system for high availability.
A: First, I'd like to point out a slip of tongue in your question. The G20 Summit is scheduled for April 2 instead of March 2.
You are avoiding my last question, Snape. Harry Potter. You could have killed him at any point in the past five years. You have not done it. Why?
Analysed whether the vocational school could implement the key point of the credit system smoothly, and question and countermeasure appearing in the course of implementing the credit system.
The challenges confronting the drive to electrify automobiles point to a big question underlying the current energy debate in America: How much faith should we have in technology to bail us out?
That's just the point, gentlemen. The loss in question was beyond the coverage granted by us.
Objective To investigate correlative question about the same a point but different isodose curve in therapy of cervical carcinoma.
This paper compares the two ideas, in addition to explain inter-subjectivity, and also inter-subjectivity from the point of view of trying to answer this question.
Mathematics educational model research and the implementation has become the focal point question in the domestic education session which has been paid attention to at the two aspects.
Questioner: Well, obviously the question from my point of view is motivated by distress at seeing senility in other people, for it has not presumably set in in myself yet.
Questioner: Well, obviously the question from my point of view is motivated by distress at seeing senility in other people, for it has not presumably set in in myself yet.