Managers can be the point of contact to other departments to explain why a system is down.
The ratio is determined by the distances from the center of the gear to the point of contact.
I think people obsess about planning because it's the point of contact for many different roles in any organization.
So, that point starts falling back behind the point of contact because the wheel is rotating at the same time as it's moving forward.
The problem with this type of gear is that the distance from the center of each gear to the point of contact changes as the gears rotate.
In it is embedded a small device containing miniature sensors that can measure the acceleration and deceleration along three axes at the point of contact with the road.
The report recognizes that many organizations looking for infrastructure solutions are looking for an integrated suite with one vendor that can serve as the point of contact.
Although the process involves interaction of the five elements, everything begins with and is based on what happens at the point of contact between the workpiece and cutting tool.
In the numerical calculation, the effects of striking object's initial velocity, and the shells 'geometrical parameters and the point of contact on the dynamic response of shells are discussed.
A good receptionist is important because they are usually the first point of contact for clients.
Citi Prestige card members around the world can tap into their global concierge through a single point of contact.
Since it is the primary point of contact, the reverse proxy can perform such operations as SSL offload, which requires that the server be the hostname to which the client is expecting to connect.
It seems that, at some point in a relationship, we need the physical, face-to-face contact. Part of the reason for this may be that, ultimately, humans are social creatures.
FromLogin/SignUp forms, to contact forms and other types of forms, we need to keep in mind that the point of those forms is to get the user’s attention and make them want to fill in the info.
Mr DiPascali was the main point of contact for investors, who ranged from Jewish charities to film moguls.
The primary point of contact is presumed to be the principal inside change agent for the client.
Concierges have always been, and still are, a key point of contact for the business traveller but their role and appearance is changing.
Thus, we have a single point of contact for modifying the core behaviour of the Objects we create.
As the Agency's point of contact for the families, Ben DeFelice held thousands of phone conversations over the years, especially with Downey's mother.
From a presentation skills point of view this is bad because the presenter loses eye contact with the audience.
From a presentation skills point of view, this is bad because the presenter loses eye contact with the audience.
Perhaps the client's point of contact, taking a lead from his management's style, is similarly unwilling (u) to share this information with process mentor.
Under the IHR (2005), States will be required to notify the WHO IHR Contact Point, at the headquarters or regional level of the occurrence of such an event within their territory.
As long as you are crafting it, you have permission to go back to the organization for more information-and each point of contact is an opportunity to do more selling.
This assessment is a good harbinger of such issues by examining the coincidences and gaps between the motivations of your client's primary point of contact 4, management, and the workforce.
Please pay attention to the subtle differences, particularly the Tangential line marking the fillet's point of contact with its adjacent surface, and how the reflections break there as well.
Service portals typify this pattern, providing a single point of contact for multiple services and hiding the details of internal services.
Service portals typify this pattern, providing a single point of contact for multiple services and hiding the details of internal services.