But Sir Nicholas supports the idea of technology subsidies as a vital part of the policy mix.
Lessons from the yen's slight appreciation of the RMB interest rate under the policy mix to better meet China's national conditions.
It might be wise to pay closer attention than we've been paying. The first step should be to bring additional gun control back into the policy mix.
In developed countries, consumer-funded mechanisms are playing an increasingly important role in the policy mix to meet carbon reduction and renewable-energy targets.
What form next year's tighter policy could take is uncertain, but more direct controls of bank lending seem certain to be part of the mix.
Countries in difficulty should adopt the "normal policy mix" of reducing budget deficits and improving their competitiveness.
Add to this mix a jump in inflation, in part the product of a global commodity boom, and the result has been one of the most challenging economic and policy environments in memory.
The problem is that this policy mix is incompatible with global economic leadership at a time when China has little choice but to become a global leader.
For demand managements, the best policy is the mix water price policy through increasing both irrigation and industry water prices, and the next is adopting agricultural water-saving technology.
Thus the macroeconomic policy mix should be dollar supportive in the short run but dollarsubversive in the longer term.
Some potential potential determinants of type and mix of pay may include: firm strategy and life cycle, tax policy and the extent of agency problems within an organization.
What form next year "s tighter policy could take is uncertain, but more direct controls of bank lending seem certain to be part of the mix."
No matter how sophisticated and well-thought out the other components of the marketing mix are, the company's fortunes will rise or fall on the effectiveness of its distribution policy.
With the right policy mix, Chinashould be able to stabilize its currency and foreign-reserve position, andreturn to a sustainable growth path.
China is shrugging off deflationary pressure and the country's policy-makers should create a better policy mix to cope with the new economic environment, some experts suggest.
On the basis of market positioning analysis the issue discusses the policy of marketing mix, marketing relationship, international marketing and marketing control and so on.
On the basis of market positioning analysis the issue discusses the policy of marketing mix, marketing relationship, international marketing and marketing control and so on.