For Simpay, we captured them in the Product Overview document (see sidebar).
Note:For a more complete description of the installation process, as well as some troubleshooting tips, see the Product Overview at the Rational software Information Center.
注意:更全面的安装过程描述以及问题解决提示,请通过RationalsoftwareInformationCenter 查阅 JazzProduct Overview 文档。
This article provides an overview of a successful product management transition to Agile, the most common pitfall to avoid and proposed solutions to the new challenges that arise.
If you're interested in the basic operations you can do on product configurations, head back to Overview.
Go to the find Exporting section of the Overview TAB, where there is a link to export your product.
WAS Overview provides a summary of the WebSphere application server runtime, including product and version, server name, node, cell, and the status of the deployed applications.
WAS Overview提供一个WebSphereApplicationServer运行时摘要,包括产品和版本、服务器名称、节点、单元以及已部署应用程序的状态。
However, sometimes I need the skills of an experienced freelancer for one-off jobs, such as writing a user guide or putting together a product overview video in Flash.
然而有时候我也需要具备经 验的自由职业者来完成一些一次性的工作,比如编写用户指南或运用Flash把产品描述视频整合在一起;
In the center content area of the Support overview page in Figure 3, sections of information (content) are organized into categories such as Featured links, Flashes and alerts, and Product news.
在图3 所示的Supportoverview页的中间内容区域,信息(内容)被分成不同的类别,比如Featuredlinks、Flashesand alerts和 Product news。
This article provides an overview of all necessary configuration tasks and refers to the product documentation for detailed information for your deployment.
On the Overview page, you can enter information about your product by using wiki-style formatting.
The following overview of the MDM product illustrates how these needs are met.
To help users become intermediates, he suggests adding something to the UI that provides overview information to the user on how to use the product.
Similar to the plug-in manifest editor, the first page presented within the product configuration editor is the Overview tab (see Figure 7).
类似于插件manifest编辑器,产品配置编辑器中显示的第一页是Overview选项卡(参见图 7)。
This is the broad overview. It only shows sales by product and gives your sales total per product.
You can filter the requirements Overview report to show only those requirements that are defined for the iterations or product areas that you specify.
Investigate the overview to produce the nicety foundry to make to investigate the analysis to the city of PanZhiHua semi-finished product.
The object of this section is to provide an overview of product liability procedures and product liability law on a few concise pages.
The brochure provides an overview of ASI's new and expanded product line.
The brochure provides an overview of ASI's new and expanded product line.