Her other notable films include Chocolat (2000), cache (2005), and the Flight of the Red Balloon (2007).
But, you might wonder, won't a kid figure out that the red in "the red balloon" has to do with the balloon?
So, we’ll often say things like “the red balloon,” instead of using the postnominal construction, “the balloon is red.”
It might seem faster to ask Charlie not to pop "the red balloon," but if you want him matching colors with aplomb, best rephrase with, "I mean, the balloon that is red."
Finally, the balloons are beautifully placed across the sky, but the red balloon in the upper left of the frame is the final, key element to the success of the image.
First, it's really old - past the Red Giant phase, when stars balloon in size and swallow up planets in close orbits.
First, it's really old-past the Red Giant phase, when stars balloon in size and swallow up planets in close orbits.
This helps kids discern what about the balloon makes it red.
Say "the balloon is red," for example, and you will have helped to narrow "red-ness" to being an attribute of the balloon, and not some general property of the world at large.
Walking further, I noticed a red balloon aloft, rising to the higher altitude.
In the great green room, there was a telephone and a red balloon, and a picture of - the cow jumping over the moon.
In the great green room, there was a telephone and a red balloon, and a picture of - the cow jumping over the moon.