The reformer soon gathered a band of followers round him.
Methods of CO clean-up for the reformer of fuel cell vehicles;
SM Jackson, Huldreich Zwingli, The Reformer of German Switzerland (1901);
钐杰克逊,Huldreich茨温利,重整德国瑞士( 1901年) ;
The hot exit gas from the reformer enters the refractory-lined inlet chamber.
The reformer reactor, in turn, is in communication with a particulate separator (18).
重整反 应器又与颗粒分离器(18)连通。
High steam carbon ratios were required to prevent carbon formation in the reformer tubers.
The structure characteristics of large welded plate heat exchanger and its application in the reformer were described. Its advantages and the benefits were summarized.
Pyrite mineral resource is rich in China, many sulfuric acid plants use pyrite as raw material to product sulfuric acid by combustion oxidation of SO2 in the reformer.
By using the Simpson membrane separator to purify the reformer hydrogen in Jinan Refinery, the purity of raw hydrogen was enhanced from 94% to 99.99% and hydrocarbons were removed.
The fluidization of catalyst in the reformer had a role of avoiding the blockage of reformer, promoting the catalyst reduction and suppressing the carbon deposition on the surface of catalyst.
To well control the tube wall temperature of reformer, well adjust top spring hanger on the reformer tube and well control the flame from burner on the top of furnace is important during operation.
Piaget said: "True adaptation to society comes automatically when the adolescent reformer attempts to put his ideas to work."
Nevertheless, Gerteis argues, these disparate party affiliations did not diminish the actuality of reformer unity, most prominent in the 1830s.
How could he be a reformer and a defender of established interests at the same time?
The regime surely did not fear Mousavi, who is a pretty tame sort of reformer, or even his formidable wife.
He typifies the uncompromising reformer.
Put a steam reformer in a car along with the fuel cell and you can fill the tank with methanol instead of hydrogen.
At the same time he sees the king as a genuine if unlikely reformer, doing his best to bring about social and educational change and soften the edges of unreconstructed Wahhabism.
Khrushchev was known in the United States for his confrontations with Kennedy and Nixon, but as Cold War Soviets went, he was a reformer and a fascinating character.
The man who starts as the great reformer often ends his career by becomingincreasingly paranoid and abusive.
They are usually presented as private initiatives backed by local businessmen wanting to pledge their affection for the self-styled reformer.
Senegal, the region’s leading reformer, reduced business startup time from 58 days to eight, when it streamlined business registration and merged seven startup procedures into one.
She is a convinced Atlanticist, a market reformer and a free-trader who has re-established the image of the "Good Germany" within the EU.
She is a convinced Atlanticist, a market reformer and a free-trader who has re-established the image of the "Good Germany" within the EU.