According to Korean labor laws, normal workers are allowed to work only 12 hours per week overtime, in addition to the regular eight-hour working days.
Dad is back to work, so we are back to the regular program of updating the blog on the weekends. A number of things happened this week.
In the case of those countries where laws do not limit the hours of work, workers should not be required to work on a regular basis in excess of a regular work week plus 12 hours overtime.
That's right. I work 24 hours' overtime a week. And the overtime pay is usually more than the regular pay.
In addition to the regular lecture sessions, an additional 2 hours per week has been set aside for project work, and students are expected to take advantage of this time.
That "s right. I work 24 hours" overtime a week. And the overtime pay is usually more than the regular pay.
That "s right. I work 24 hours" overtime a week. And the overtime pay is usually more than the regular pay.