Some 76 percent of the respondents said the Net would make us smarter. Okay, but why?
Slightly over half (56percent) of the respondents said they did not believe that to be the case.
The respondents said that Vaillant Poland stood out for top product quality along with the best price.
In addition, nearly half of the respondents said they were worried about ACTS of revenge by the perpetrators.
Some wealth managers also assume women have a low risk tolerance, and therefore give them less choice, the respondents said.
When R3 first conducted its research in September, only 15% of the respondents said they expected tighter marketing budgets next year.
Nearly 50% of the respondents said they check their Facebook or Twitter accounts in the middle of the night or first-thing in the morning.
In a new Gallup poll, 44 percent of the respondents said they expected me to win the debate, and 30 percent said they could be swayed by it.
But more than 40 percent of the respondents said they would be comfortable with such an arrangement, moving in with family, if it became necessary.
While 28 percent of the respondents said that texting had increased or stayed about the same for them over the previous year, 96 percent said the same of email.
About half of the respondents said they had had fights with their boyfriend or girlfriend because of smartphones. And 32.8 percent of them fought about smartphone obsession.
Half of the respondents said they did little physical exercise, while many complained about working more than 10 hours a day, returning home late at night and having to work over weekends.
Overall, half of the respondents said they had been in the dust cloud from the collapsing towers;70 percent witnessed a traumatic sight, such as a plane hitting the tower or falling bodies;
Despite the focus on DOD, 5 percent of the respondents said they are planning to increase their solutions targeting the Homeland Security Department and public safety and first responders.
Of the respondents, 57 percent said they would spend extra on experiencing different cultures.
Over a third of respondents said the economy is their main concern. It used to be traffic.
Leisure travellers among the respondents also said they would take advantage of inflight Wi-Fi.
The majority of respondents said that pop stars and sports figures were the two most fashionable groups.
Respondents said the inflationary pressures were linked mainly to higher raw-material prices, while steel prices were also commonly cited.
About two in five of the survey's respondents said that they would like to create their own business, but only 6.5 per cent had actually done so.
Almost half of respondents to the survey said they had stayed in bed or not left the house for a long period of time when depressed while 13% had quit a job.
About 15.8 percent of the middle-aged respondents said they showed at least seven symptoms.
Sixty-seven percent of the survey's respondents said they're still optimistic about the future of marriage and family in America.
An astonishing 70 percent of respondents said that the country is moving in the wrong direction.
Women respondents said the banks give men more attention, better advice, better deals and better terms.
As of last month, 43% of the it respondents said they felt social networking has no measurable business benefit and should only be allowed if it can be secured and controlled.
As of last month, 43% of the it respondents said they felt social networking has no measurable business benefit and should only be allowed if it can be secured and controlled.