The spring absorbs the energy of the impact, the shock absorber releases it on the return stroke, and prevents an oscillating force from building up.
The conveyer can not only work in a long distance and ultra width, but also ensure the return stroke of the belt is stable, and meet the use requirements of large conveying capacity.
The bright return stroke travels upward at around half the speed of light, and is too fast to capture in more than one image.
It would be easy to return to gold and to abolish the Federal Reserve, and to do so at one stroke. All we need is the will.
This upward leader connects with the downward leader and a return stroke occurs. Five more dart leader-return strokes follow.
The lightning branches out in many different directions, causing one leader to make a connection with the ground, creating a bright return stroke.
To stroke a path, first select the path, then change to the brush tool, select a brush, and type Enter or Return.
The application of vapor-liquid reseparator in the main return tube can effectively decrease the frequency of wet stroke and rapidly handle it and thus increase refrigerating efficiency.
Seem to thing horizontal stroke is in in the head, Zun er often is in nervous condition, seem to stem like, how to return a responsibility? Have treat?
With the transmission line model of the lightning return stroke, the approximate expressions of the adjacent field of lightning electromagnetic pulse are obtained.
The results show that "Non-continuous current stage" was a important condition for triggered the dart-leader and the subsequent return stroke.
Newresearch shows people with dementia who have a stroke are more likely to become disabled and not return homecompared to people who didn't have dementia at the time they had a stroke.
This paper introduces the design idea of Lightning Direction Finder and lightning return stroke models. The technique of accurate orientation as well as its realization is discussed.
The utility model discloses a novel drilling machine, mainly comprising a drilling machine head case, a linear slideway, a stroke sliding plate, a return tension spring and the like.
A question of the assumed channel height is represented and the reasonable reasons are given. The conclusion is useful for calculating the lightning return-stroke electromagnetic fields in the future.
As you do this, take a stroke with your other hand, and return it to the PAUSE position just above your head.
The fluted disc on the connecting sleeve is contacted and glide with the diagonal face to form zero return stroke. The speed of tweaking screws is high.
Top technology and advanced design make force deployed evenly on the frame and lower the air resistance for a stable and prompt return stroke.
Top technology and advanced design make force deployed evenly on the frame and lower the air resistance for a stable and prompt return stroke.