In another century, the rings of Saturn may be singing with trillions of electronic intelligences.
What was once the asteroid is now just a jagged ring of dust, encircling the Earth like one of the rings of Saturn.
It looks like a convention center surrounded by the rings of Saturn, great tracks of solar panels providing all its hot water and electricity.
Most of it is still there, frozen solid in, among other things, the rings of Saturn, Jupiter's moon Europa, the bodies of Neptune and Uranus and billions upon billions of comets.
While cruising around Saturn, be on the lookout for picturesque juxtapositions of moons and rings.
Saturn may produce the greatest number of antiprotons because of interactions between cosmic rays—energetic charged particles from space—and the planet's icy rings.
The icy rings of Saturn could be what's left of an ancient ice-rock moon that got stripped and swallowed by the gas-giant planet. Christopher Intagliata reports.
Further back, several of the complex rings of Saturn can be seen crossing the image horizontally.
The best possible explanation seemed to be that something physical-a ring of debris around rhea-was blocking the ions and electrons from reaching Cassini. (see "Saturn Moon May Have rings-a First.")
From a spectacular vantage point, looking back toward the inner solar system, the robot spacecraft recorded this view of the night side of Saturn casting a sharp shadow across the bright rings.
From a spectacular vantage point, looking back toward the inner solar system, the robot spacecraft recorded this view of the night side of Saturn casting a sharp shadow across the bright rings.