Mathematical models that allow us to calculate the rise in temperature as a function of the increase indicate that the answer is probably yes.
Schlenker said this was because the rise in temperature there was very small compared to other parts of the world.
Still, the rise in temperature was good for one thing - Ann and Martin managed to go to sleep without all their clothes on.
The rise in temperature of each coil (66) is restricted, an as a consequence, increase in resistance in each coil (66) is restricted.
An object of the present invention is to provide a high-energy density nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery that controls the rise in temperature during short circuiting.
To offset the rise in temperature expected by the middle of the century if things carry on as they are, the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface would have to be cut by just 1.1%.
Could the increase in carbon dioxide cause a global rise in average temperature, and could such a rise have serious consequences for human society?
First is climate change, marked by a 1-degree Fahrenheit rise in average yearly temperature across the western states.
Uncertainties in the future rate of (temperature) rise, stemming largely from the 'feedback' effects on water vapour and clouds, are topics of current research.
In 2007 the first study using DePreSys correctly predicted that there would be a few more years which would set no records. After this, it said, there would be a definite rise in temperature.
The most important is temperature: the rate of chemical reactions in a cadaver doubles with each 10 degree Celsius rise.
The bill is already is doing less than scientists recommend to prevent a catastrophic rise in temperature.
The cost of averting an even bigger rise in temperature is put at a relatively small 1% of global output-a price, it seems, that many people are happy to pay.
阻止更高气温上升的成本仅为全球产出的1% - - -看上去,很多人都乐于支付这一价格。
The Jersey Health Report warns that with a rise in temperature by as much as six degrees, people will die from skin cancer and heat stroke.
This tells her whether she has ovulated, based on any rise in her basal body temperature that the patch has noticed. However, DuoFertility can do more than just record the moment of ovulation.
Still, that doesn't mean the exact relationship between temperature and sea level rise evident in the salt marsh data will hold as climate change accelerates in the future, Miller cautioned.
Globally, a rise of 1c in sea surface temperature would increase the occurrence of strong storms by about one third, the researchers calculate.
Given the strong historical relationship between temperature rise and conflict, this expected future rise in temperature is enough to cause big increases in the likelihood of conflict.
But in terms of the global average, a one-degree temperature rise has huge implications for people and the planet.
Other mechanisms at play in the climate complicate the issue, but none of them offers a remotely satisfactory alternative explanation for the temperature rise.
In regard to global temperature rise of not more than 2 degrees, Huang said the international community has reached important consensus on this issue.
When you sleep for long periods of time, your body temperature doesn't rise as quickly in the morning.
The really big rise in global temperature probably won't take place until the second half of this century, but there will be plenty of damage long before then.
The illness often begins with a sudden rise in temperature accompanied by facial flush and other flu-like symptoms.
In the colder months take a hot shower or bath late in the day, your body temperature will rise and then fall again as you cool off from the shower making you sleepy in the process.
Due to the extreme rise and fall in temperature, you only get an hour at night and in the early morning to get pictures of the cats actually doing something.
2002-3: The rise in sea surafce temperature was lower than other years but Australia suffered some of its worst ever droughts.
2002-3: The rise in sea surafce temperature was lower than other years but Australia suffered some of its worst ever droughts.