Rails is a Web applications platform built on top of the Ruby programming language.
I was in a bookstore the other day and picked up a book on the Ruby programming language.
The Ruby home page provides outstanding resources to get you started with the Ruby programming language.
Another drawback is that you need to have some familiarity with the Ruby programming language as you read along.
The framework is written in the Ruby programming language and includes components written in C and assembler .
By executing the templates in this way, you expose the full power of the Ruby programming language to your templates.
Notice that you're naturally extending the capabilities of the template system, based on the capabilities of the Ruby programming language.
The RubySpec project aims to write a complete executable specification for the Ruby programming language that is syntax-compatible with RSpec.
Rails is a powerful add-on to the Ruby programming language, providing a dynamic framework for the development of database-driven Web applications.
Rails是Ruby编程语言的一个强大插件,提供了用于开发数据库驱动的Web 应用程序的动态框架。
If you have no experience in the Ruby programming language or the Rails framework, some research into these areas might help before getting into this book.
The popular Ruby on Rails framework, for example, takes the Ruby programming language and offers a web-specific structure for getting common web application tasks done.
非常流行的Rubyon Rails框架,作为一个例子,它利用Ruby编程语言,为我们提供了一个专门面向web的架构,普通的web应用程序都能使用它来完成。
IllustrationLast month I offered a bit of a detailed look at the Ruby programming language — a dynamic language that has become a favorite among many software developers.
Microsoft has committed to running dynamic language on the DLR and with that, they are developing IronRuby on the.net CLR which is a full implementation of the Ruby programming language.
Programming languages have a quick turnover, so the "Ruby on Rails" language they learned may not even be relevant by the time they enter the job market.
编程语言的更新速度很快,因此等到他们进入劳动力市场时,他们所学的“Rubyon Rails”编程语言甚至可能完全用不上。
The SketchUp API is based on Ruby, a relatively new programming language primarily used for enterprise computing (Ruby on Rails).
SketchUpAPI基于的是Ruby,这是一种相对较新的编程语言,主要用于企业计算(Rubyon Rails)。
To run Rails 3, your system must have either Ruby version 1.8.7 or Ruby version 1.9.2 or a newer release of the programming language and its attendant libraries and interpreter.
要运行Rails3,您的系统必须安装有Ruby1.8.7版或 Ruby1.9.2 版,或者该编程语言的较新版本及其附加库和解释程序。
Rake is a Domain Specific language (or DSL) for building software using the full-featured Ruby programming language.
This final article explores programming in Hadoop—in particular, the development of a map and a reduce application within the Ruby language.
最后这篇文章探索了Hadoop编程 —特别是在Ruby语言中map和reduce应用程序开发。
Ruby is currently best known as a programming language for building Web applications, primarily with the Ruby on Rails framework.
Ruby目前被作为一种用于构建Web应用程序的编程语言而著称,主要通过Rubyon Rails框架使用。
Ruby is currently best known as a programming language for building Web applications, primarily with the Ruby on Rails framework.
Ruby目前被作为一种用于构建Web应用程序的编程语言而著称,主要通过Rubyon Rails框架使用。