Yeats sees the Second Coming as an image, as a myth, an idea, a metaphor, a certain stylistic arrangement of experience.
William Miller said in 1844 that the second coming was arriving.
It was like waiting for the Second Coming for me, in fact the wait almost killed me.
He doesn't name the swan, just as he doesn't name the "rough beast" in "the Second Coming."
Here, divine force reduces to brute power as it does in "The Magi" and "The Second Coming."
We'll never find Truth in her entirety, at least not until the Second Coming, and who knows when that will be?
But listening to the reliable defenders of the wealthy, you'd think that Ms.Warren was the second coming of Leon Trotsky.
He's guilty of taking a perfectly fine joke and selling it as the second coming of Oscar Wilde: "Okay, this is a good one.
I am in charge of the Second Coming, and my judgement, which is used only for protection, cannot be wrong because it never attacks.
They have done an excellent job at making everyone believe that Firefox 3.0 is the second coming of Christ himself, and that's commendable.
他们的出色工作,让每个人都觉得Firefox 3.0好像是基督再次降临一般,实在让人佩服。
In The Second Coming of Steve Jobs, an unauthorized biography, a friend from Reed reveals that Jobs had a brief fling with folk singer Joan Baez.
Isn't it a little bit odd that in Rev. 19:11-21, which is the clearest picture of the second coming of Christ, there is no mention of a resurrection?
在启示录19:11 ~ 21很清楚地描写出基督再来的景象,但却没有提到复活,这不是有点奇怪吗?
Ruben: No problem. Thank you for receiving me again. I would like to discuss the fact that you are the instructor of the world (or the Second Coming).
With the advent of the second coming however all this has changed and many who have dropped suitable amounts of density and lower forms of thought are now facing salvation.
With the advent of the second coming however all this has changed and many who have dropped suitable amounts of density and lower forms of thought are now facing salvation.