Unfortunately, that was in 2007, shortly before The Sharper Image filed for bankruptcy.
不幸的是,那是在2007年,Sharper Image不久后申请破产。
The presence of Crystal certainly helps -- what girl wouldn't eventually fall for a guy who sings "Surrey with the Fringe on Top" in The Sharper Image?
And technological advances make the image far sharper than on LCD and plasma screens.
At any given magnification, the larger the aperture, the brighter and sharper the image will be.
The depth resolution of reconstructed image was enhanced by one order of magnitude and the image became sharper and cleaner.
The main information of image that all consists in the edge is a sharper place of the gray scale change in the image, and shows the discontinuity of local characters in the image.
For a sharper image you can make a better pinhole by cutting a one-inch square hole in the carton, taping a piece of aluminum foil over this hole, and then making the pinhole in the foil.
For a sharper image you can make a better pinhole by cutting a one-inch square hole in the carton, taping a piece of aluminum foil over this hole, and then making the pinhole in the foil.