What's often forgotten, though, is the previous extent of Bin Nasser's shocker: the man had two opportunities to send off Terry Fenwick, but took neither.
Second, smart women don't shut their brains off on the weekend. (Shocker: smart men don't either.).
But I'm just give you a couple of quick examples, we have shocker in this case is part of the demonstration that if you take business and society, you can do things that you neither can do.
This is a bit of a shocker. Perhaps the problem is so advanced that in the Bermuda post office they have an abbreviated way of referring to these items as "MTBs."
You'd be hard pushed to argue that referee Ali Bin Nasser had anything other than a shocker at Mexico City's Azteca Stadium during the infamous quarter-final between Argentina and England in 1986.
The real shocker was that things dragged on well beyond the two weeks I had anticipated.
It's been a few days since Chynn sent the email, and he's only had two set-ups, and -- shocker -- he rejected both of them because they didn't meet his sky-high standards.
The old silver-haired man nodded politely, fixed Cal with another shocker shocked appraisal, and went back the way he'd come.
All-Star votes continue to be tallied, and, no shocker, Kobe Bryant leads the Western Conference.
The news may not come as a total shocker – Momsen, 17, hasn't appeared on many recent episodes, and in season 4 the character played by Szohr, 26, left town.
Mexican wrestler named "Shocker 1000% handsome" (L) confronts "Captain Morgan" during the first tournament of "stone, paper and scissors", in Puebla, Mexico on February 14, 2009.
Mexican wrestler named "Shocker 1000% handsome" (L) confronts "Captain Morgan" during the first tournament of "stone, paper and scissors", in Puebla, Mexico on February 14, 2009.