The study showed that a single new desktop machine created emissions of almost half a tonne during its manufacture.
On a four processor machine, the build time can be 5 times faster than on a single processor one.
The application is executed on a single machine (limited set of machines) and reports all of the exceptions in the local log files using standardized exception reporting schemas.
By running multiple software stack instances on a single machine, you will often get more out of the server than you would as compared to having it host a single software stack.
The simplest implementation is to create a unified application that runs in a single process on a single machine. Such implementation typically has to implement the following
Unlike a classical computer where the state of the machine is merely a single string of ones and zeros, the state of a QC is a vector with components for every possible string of ones and zeros.
Clones can run on any server machine in the cluster, and multiple clones of a single server can run on a single machine to take advantage of multiprocessor architectures.
The compiler will after all very likely compile the above assignment into a single machine instruction.
On a single machine, the locale indicates the user's preference for the language displayed (for example, English or Spanish), as well as formatting conventions for date, time, currency, and so on.
The boot server and installation server can be on a single machine or on different machines.
Can different users on a single host see different versions, or should there be a single one for the entire machine?
If there are disk issues that appear to be limited to a single virtual machine, the first place to look is in the log file for the virtual machine.
For a single-user application that's going to run on a single machine, this is probably overkill and might not be worth the trouble.
As I increased the task size, the overhead associated with communication between machines diminished in comparison to the overhead of executing the entire task on a single machine.
Scaling up involves upgrading the hardware or optimizing the software to ensure that a single server machine set can support more users.
The goal is to verify that what worked in a single-machine environment also works in a multiple machine environment using cloud storage.
Vertical cloning can be helpful when a single large machine cannot utilize all the system resources such as the CPU.
Since we're assuming the sample application will be running on a single machine, we only need to have local queues.
First, you shouldn't assume that the above assignment would be compiled as a single machine instruction unless you personally verify the machine code yourself.
At this stage, our application is running in a production environment for a customer whose data-processing requirements only warrant the use of a single machine.
This layer provides the ability to execute multiple operating systems (and their applications) simultaneously on a single physical machine.
For the purposes of this tutorial, we will put everything, including persistent storage, onto the same machine, running everything on a single developer's workstation.
Virtualisation software divvies up the resources on a single machine among several virtual computer platforms. Each virtual machine can run the same or a different operating system.
Client requests that overwhelm a single machine can be distributed over several machines in the system.
With logical partitioning (LPAR), IBM servers that feature the POWER processor can support multiple system requirements in a single machine.
You can choose the lower-cost single-tier configuration with the option of adding a machine (dual-tier configuration) when your team grows.
Using a network of computers (dubbed zombies) controlled by a single master machine, the hacker tries to overwhelm a website's servers.
Identifying UNIX network performance issues is hard to determine from a single machine when the problem is usually widespread across the network.
The state machine or activity would then represent a single behavioral component that, when implemented as a SIP service, would support all the call flows.
The state machine or activity would then represent a single behavioral component that, when implemented as a SIP service, would support all the call flows.