Social scientists now talk of two new family forms: the single parent family and the remarried family.
Today's families may include both the biological mother and father or a single parent or guardian, grandparents or other extended family, same-gender parents, or foster parents.
As the months went on I relied on friends and family, especially after becoming a single parent. For the first time in my life I felt disabled.
It also redefine some basic conception appeared in the thesis compare the family educational model single parent family with whole family.
It would have been nice if the elderly had a small family with children or a single parent as their neighbour.
From 1970 to 2005, the proportion of children under 18 living in the single-parent family has fallen by 17 percent.
The intricate and touching story is about a new reunited single parent family . With the story , we can show the sacred love.
Now, it is allowed that a single parent might be at the helm of a family.
It's the absolute "strong tie" which consists of the social support networks of single parent family and embodies the strength of "strong tie".
More than one in four American children are growing up in single-parent homes. As a result, many people believe the American family is in trouble.
The most common type of single-parent family is one that consists of a mother and her biological children.
More than one in four American children are growing up in single-parent homes. As a result, many people believe the American family is in trouble.
Objective to explore influence of childrens peers trust to self-consciousness by comparing the children coming from single parent family and whole family.
It's the absolute "strong tie" which consists of the social support networks of single parent family and embodies the strength o...
It's the absolute "strong tie" which consists of the social support networks of single parent family and embodies the strength o...