The interpretation secret love is then confirmed by the mention of the cousin who is sitting with his wife in the stalls, and by the open love-affair attributed to the latter.
Raw sewage is pumping on the beach in open drains, with children playing on the edge and families sitting nearby.
"Sitting in the very heart of Venice, Piazza San Marco is arguably the loveliest public space in the world -a huge open square fronted by the magnificent St. Mark's Basilica," Hughes says.
And there is nothing romantic about 100 people sitting (all facing the same direction) in a pressurized tin can, squeezed into tiny seats, elbowing each other while trying to open packets of peanuts.
Abstract: sitting is a common form in the open space. It is a both basic and important issue to meet the needs of sitting.
Upon approach, though hard to distinguish interior from exterior, there is an open-air lower-level villa housing the sitting area and bathroom and upper-level perch for the sleeping area.
In fact, I know that I am just sitting, the heart is not in the book, looking not remember anything, but solely at the open book pages.
Berlin, in the warmer months, is an open-air festival, its youthful population swarming through the streets on bicycles or sitting at its many outdoor cafes.
柏林的暖季是户外活动的大好时节,青年男女们或者骑着单车在街上鱼贯而过, 亦或静坐在星罗密布的户外咖啡店里。
Everyone has seen those iconic pictures of polar bears sitting on tiny ice floes amid blue open water and knows that global warming is hitting the Arctic.
A commercial airplane is in flight to Chicago, when a blonde woman sitting in economy gets up and moves to an open seat in the first class section.
A commercial airplane is in flight to Chicago, when a blonde woman sitting in economy gets up and moves to an open seat in the first class section.