This is the sort of case that may have a better chance of expanding Lawrence's reach, said Katine.
This is a fairly typical sort of complex data, in this case ordering something by date, time, and ID number by concatenating the Numbers into a single number that we can then sort numerically.
In this case, you gather your friends and sort them in the order of their followers count.
In the case of Chez Jo, the pudding actually was a sort of final proof that I was experiencing a special place.
Consider outside business partners that provide or request some sort of business function key to your business. In that case, the scope of the service is defined for you.
Maybe it's just that people with the same sort of education like the same movies-in this case, the ones they're in.
If this is the case, the requesting application can sort the messages into queues that hold defined ranges of the serialized data.
In this activity, we must sort out the code that is specific to each use case and rebuild the corresponding high-level architecture of the code.
Caching in this case is worse than useless; because it costs more to put data in the cache to begin with, this sort of application would perform poorer overall than with no cache at all.
There was a case for seeking some sort of compensation for the huge discounts and exorbitant profits that Mr Khodorkovsky and others had enjoyed.
The members of this arbitration association are professionally competent, and in a position to arbitration that sort of case arising from the quality inspection of the medical equipment.
Instead, a good message needs to make sense and transcend the sort of Numbers that make the business case for decisions.
This sort of material is available to all BBC outlets in the UK and around the world - although in this case it was gathered primarily in Arabic.
In the case of the F-35, then, this sort of electromagnetic artillery is mainly defensive.
以F - 35为例,这种类型的电磁炮主要用于防御。
Okay, and you can hear him sort of — he didn't go — you could hear him slide that leading tone up into the tonic in that case.
In the case of a direct PDS, a collector typically implements some sort of API to access that data.
Notice that we still have two lines containing the fruit "apple", because the uniqueness test is performed on all of the two sort keys, k1n and k2 in our case.
注意,我们仍然留有两个包含水果 “apple”的行,但是刚才已经对两种排序键进行了唯一性检测,在我们的例子中为k1n和k2。
But in the case of InDinero, the description actually works, as the company really does aim to provide a similar sort of real-time financial dashboard to small businesses.
Conveniently, Nick is always nearby when the latest big development for his case is taking place, like some sort of odd "plot advancement sense".
One case of replacement is sorting, where elements are replaced with different elements so that the resulting array is in sorted order (the built-in sort method is provided for this action).
If you do this sort of thing often, you probably want to create a small shell script to automate this process just in case you have problems typing the Perl substitution command in the second line.
In this case, since the program really does have to run in a shell anyway, it even sort of makes sense to do it this way.
In the case of the UnionExpression class, the evaluate method evaluates the two operands, checks that the result is in both cases a node-set, and then forms the union using a sort-merge strategy.
MICHAEL DORF: "A common question, according to the court, is the sort of question which the plaintiffs can prove and thereby go a long way to winning the case."
Now, the marriage case is extreme but Freud gives a lot of simpler examples where this sort of unconscious motivation might play a role.
If this way of talking is sensible, then it may be the case that the various conceptions of legitimacy do not compete with one another, but rather exist in some sort of complementary relationship.
In the case of BPA and other chemicals of its sort though their increasing prevalence and a number of human studies that associate them with developmental issues have become too worrisome to ignore.
A culture-sensitive comparison of two strings depends on each character in the strings having several categories of sort weights, including script, alphabetic, case, and diacritic weights.
The members of this arbitration association are professionally competent, and in a position to arbitrate that sort of case arising from the quality inspection of the medical equipment.
Either you are the sort of person valued by the Morgan Stanley boss and work on holiday – in which case you don't need an out-of-office email at all.