Rename the source directory (see Listing 10).
Source: Points to the source directory (default: SRC).
Browse to the source directory where you just saved the exported files.
C: \ PBA is now set as the Source directory and PersonalBudget.ear is added to the Files list.
现在C: \PB a已被设置成源目录,并且PersonalBudget . ear已被添加到文件列表中。
In the next window that displays, select the option to obtain files from the source directory.
To do the traversal of the source directory structure you use the walk method in the Python OS module.
Click Next and open the source directory and select the directories from which you would like to add files.
By parsing this output file, you can determine the changes between the source directory and destination reference directory.
To execute, supply the name of the source file and the source directory, and an optional count of the number of copies to make.
To copy the contents of one directory into an existing directory, select the files in the source directory, as shown in Listing 3.
要将一个目录中的内容复制到一个已有的目录中,可以选择源目录中的文件,如 清单 3 所示。
It takes only two parameters: the source directory, where the XML files reside; and the target directory which will be created by XM.
Download and extract the source tarball, change to the source directory, and incant the fairly typical build spell shown in Listing 1.
At this point, do not worry about the branched copy of the Source directory, because you will also learn how to import it later in this article.
This temporary directory will be used later as the source directory for uploading the keys and certificates to the apppliance from these keystores.
DirectoryWalker in Listing 3 essentially copies XML files from the source directory (including files in its subdirectories) to the target directory.
Use the Source Directory panel as shown in Figure 12 above, to select the list of model project to be used for mapping the subunit being imported.
使用如上面图12 所示的Source Directory 页面,以选择用于映射导入子单元的模型项目。
Given a source directory and a target directory, all files written to the source directory are automatically encrypted and saved to the target directory.
The Source directory and the Branch_Source directory may or may not contain different data, depending upon the work being done on both of the development lines.
Finally, because the source directory may have files that have been deleted from the original, any deleted files are also removed from the encrypted directory contents (see Listing 8).
Click on the Browse button in the Source Directory panel, this will open up the dialog box which allows you to select the list of projects for mapping subunits as shown in Figure 13, below.
点击Source Directory部分中的Browse按钮,这将会打开一个对话框,允许您为映射如图13所示的子单元而选择项目的列表。
If the target is a directory that does not exist, then the (single) source must also be a directory and a copy of the source directory and its contents is made with the target name as the new name.
Tivoli directory Integrator may be configured as a multi-directional feed so data that certain Profile updates made by users can be synchronized back to the source directory server and the hr system.
We often misinterpret this error by looking into the source of the directory where it was created.
KERNEL_SRC indicates the kernel source directory and SUBDIR indicates the directory where the module is located.
The checks ensure the existence of the source file(s) and directory, and that the environment is set properly.
The src (source) directory holds your XML documents as well as your images and other support files.
src (源)目录保存着您的XML文档以及图像和其它支持文件。
Move , which, as you would have guessed, copies a file from the source to the target directory.
The recompile times in Table 1 are based on simply doing a touch on each of the C source files in the main Perl source directory.
通过简单地接触(touch)主要Perl源文件目录中的C 源文件,得到了表1中的重新编译时间。
The three packages - client, server, and public -below your top-level package in the specified source directory.
This command creates the Audacity source directory for the version you downloaded and puts all of the source modules into it. After that, you're ready to configure, compile, and install as follows.