Losses make the speculator studious — not profits.
The speculator leans through the gates and yells "Hey, boys!"
The speculator specifically specified the specification of this species.
The speculator specifically specified the specification of this species specimen.
The speculator specifically specified the specification of this species specimen.
The speculator specifically specified the specification of this species specimen.
The speculator specifically specified the specification of this species specimen.
The speculator leans through the gates and yells “Hey, boys! Oil discovered in Hell.”
The dog had been treated and trained as European, particularly German culture and official practice treat the speculator.
Losses make the speculator studious — not profits. Take advantage of every loss to improve your knowledge of market action.
It is a pity that like the dog that is bred to bark but punished when he does, the speculator is so unanimously condemned for doing what the market calls upon him to do.
When demand falters, or new supply shows up, the price bubble can evaporate as quickly as it arose, without a speculator in sight.
Interesting dude, though, Tevez. Selling your soul to a speculator is bound to seem more attractive if you start out from Fuerte Apache, the notorious barrio near Buenos Aires.
For instance, a speculator may think of God as a snow bunny, or Elvis, or the man on the moon - whatever - but the only thing that really matters is who God really is - what matters is the truth.
I read Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, a book by Edwin Lefevre about Jesse Livermore, a famous 1920s speculator whose nickname was the Boy Plunger of Wall Street.
Ultimately the palindromic arch-speculator, lured by another chance to meld philosophy and finance, may be trying too hard to make reflexivity work.
The next few years will be marvelous from the point of view of a speculator, but horrible for the average guy.
You must spend time and money to learn the profession and become a successful speculator or investor.
The phenomenon attack the masses of investor enthusiasm of long-term investment, make them become a short-term speculator.
The index of Shenzhen market is more volatile than Shanghai, monthly excessive return rate is opposite between two markets Only a part of speculator could gain positive retum.
We can burn the currency speculator, but the investor in need of cash to cover positions elsewhere has turned to our highly-liquid market to find it.
If you're an investor, you're looking on what the asset is going to do, if you're a speculator, you're commonly focusing on what the price of the object is going to do, and that's not our game.
Many speculator mad money during the decline of the stock market by fishing in troubled waters.
A well-known currency speculator, Soros does not limit his efforts to a particular geographic area, instead considering the entire world when seeking opportunities.
Then he went to the West, and worked as a prospector, miner, and speculator, but failed.
Mrs. Elsing hated to take his money --' speculator money " - but the Association needed money badly."
埃尔辛太太不愿意接受这笔钱---- “投机商的钱” ---- 要是协会缺钱缺得厉害着呢!
Mrs. Elsing hated to take his money --' speculator money " - but the Association needed money badly."
埃尔辛太太不愿意接受这笔钱---- “投机商的钱” ---- 要是协会缺钱缺得厉害着呢!