According to the steady-state theory of the condensate gas reservoir, the productivity equation of gas-liquid multiphase flow was run.
It corresponds identically to the leftover glow predicted by the Big Bang, and contradicts the predictions of Steady-State theory.
Back then, there were two major rival theories about the origin of the Universe: the Big Bang theory and the Steady-State model of the Universe.
For the inside part, steady state model will be used through the Energy Balance Theory, considering the changes of fluid temperature along the way and the thermal influence between the two pipes.
Then the author combines the queue network theory with container terminals queue systems, and discuss the steady state indications of the container terminals queue systems.
Then the author combines the queue network theory with port railway queue systems, and discusses the steady state indications of the port railway queue systems.
At first, the asynchronous steady state of LPMLSM is analyzed, the formula of magnetic force under this state and the influences on motor starting is deduced in theory.
Based on the theory of signal strangeness detect, the maxima modulus in high frequency of wavelet resolving can be used as a criterion to classify steady and non-steady state phenomena.
Taking the fluid velocity as changing parameter, the stability of steady-state solution near the equilibrium points is analyzed by using Theory of Stability.
A system model with the opportunistic maintenance is built by using the theory of renewal process and the calculation methods of system transient and steady state availability is also presented.
This paper introduces the theory and applications of steady state equivalent circuit of T-I model of an induction motor.
在介绍异步电动机稳态t - I型等值电路理论和应用的基础上。
A calorimeter based on the quasi-steady state theory was developed to measure the latent heat of fusion and specific heat capacity of substance from 250 K to 400 K at atmosphere pressure.
The one-dimension mixing model is established from steady state theory, thus the recovery pressures of constant-area mixing model and constant-pressure mixing model are attained.
In this paper, by making use of the Degree theory, we prove the existence and non-existence of the positive steady-state solutions to these models on a certain of conditions.
The three-dimensional steady state theory of towing cable is studied, with differential equations derived and a simple method of integration suggested.
This theory has been proved by gas well test in field. According to the apparent steady state date in pressure drawdown curve, the control reserves of a gas well can be calculated correctly.
Reasons for the decline in power performance of LPGV engine under driving cycle of city are analyzed using engine cycle theory under steady-state condition.
Simulation results show that advanced control theory can improve the steady state accuracy and the dynamic performance of the system.
Based on the theory of wastewater treatment and relevant models of activated sludge processes, a kinetic model of the anaerobic fluidized bed reactor under steady state conditions is developed.
Also, we discuss the displacement of the steady state of the medium based on the theory of second order phase transition, and study the affect to the entanglement in detail.
So the author designed a speed regulator based on sliding-mode control theory, which make the system has strong robustness to the parameters, excellent dynamic and steady-state performance.
Generally, physicists derive steady-state degree distribution of networks by using the mean-field theory, master-equation and rate-equation approach, but their methods are not rigorous mathematically.
Generally, physicists derive steady-state degree distribution of networks by using the mean-field theory, master-equation and rate-equation approach, but their methods are not rigorous mathematically.