The strain localization on a shear band induced by post-peak softening is one of the most important deformations and strength characteristics of sand.
Under plane strain condition, the strain localization starts around the peak stress state; and a V-shaped shear band is formed at the residual stress state.
The approach is based on the assumption that necking mode can be modeled under plane stress conditions and shear localization can be modeled under plane strain conditions.
The location of shear strain rate localization coincides in position with the location of volumetric strain rate, which is the actual failure zone of rock.
The reason for the sawtooth chips is that the adiabatic shear localization occurs in the primary deformation zones when thermal softening exceeds strain and strain rate hardening.
The results of emulation indicate that damage features formed by mode strain energy ratio are feasible to identify the structure damage localization and damage severity.
Study of tests for measuring lateral strain localization of undisturbed clay in the condition of plane strain compression was rarely reported at home and abroad.
A theoretical analysis of localized strain and strain rate in shear band after localization occurs beyond the peak shear stress is carried out based on the strain gradient plasticity theory.
In contrast, the subbasins in the stress shadow became inactive and dead as a result strain localization on the linked through-going basin-bounding faults.
Based on the nonlocal theory the correlation is studied between the nonlocal kernel function and the simulating result for the strain-localization behavior of brittle materials.
And then, the so_called equivalent length is redefined by using the basic concept of modeling of strain localization.
Strain localization of rock sample in uniaxial compression is the result of self-organization of deformation during loading.
The generalized plastic mechanics is not adaptable to explain the geo-tech strain localization.
It is assumed that plastic deformation stems from the localization of shear strain.
The finite deformation theory and the Nakai's sub-loading constitutive model are used to investigate shear band localization in plane strain model tests.
Numerical analyses of plane strain compression tests for the geogrid-reinforced sand specimens were conducted by the nonlinear elastoplastic FEM considering strain localization.
It was shown that the deformation was concentrated due to loading, which demonstrated the occurrences of strain localization in the slope.
Furthermore, the localization shear band bifurcation takes place at the point in the strain softening area, and the point would be far from the peak point with the increment of lateral pressure.
The numerical method for modeling strong (displacement) as well as weak (strain localization) discontinuities with a standard finite element framework is presented.
Strain localization is a very important subject in rock and soil mechanics; the influence of strain localization on slope stability must be considered.
The trace algorithm proposed does not request the continuity of strain localization propagation paths, and the interaction among localization band segments can be taken into account.
The trace algorithm proposed does not request the continuity of strain localization propagation paths, and the interaction among localization band segments can be taken into account.