Some new faces will appear occasionally except the familiar faces when I feed the stray dogs.
Rajesh Shukla also lives in Bangalore. He does not want to kill the stray dogs. He offers a different solution.
My friends raved about the house. But they did say to watch out for all the stray dogs. They are everywhere in Ubud. Mangy ones. Careful!
When delivering food, stray dogs will jump through the kindergarten.
If the city begins a waste management system that works well, the food for stray dogs will be limited.
Stray dogs scamper through the nursery and toddlers are being weighed in the corner while food is passed around.
The Woman who divorced her husband after 50 years for feeding stray dogs
Jon Doig, head of the Scottish delegation, said yesterday that some apartments are covered with feces from stray dogs and laborers.
Raised in a rackety household with a sick mother and alcoholic father, the young Ms Harris sought comfort in animals; snakes, bugs, stray dogs, cats.
B: Yes, it's reported that some stray dogs living in suburban Moscow take the metro to go to the downtown and forage there every morning.
Stray dogs roam the streets among collapsed houses.
Stray dogs and cats panic him, and in order to avoid them he constantly crosses from one side to of the road to another.
But Li isn't the only person with a house full of pets - he's still got a long way to go before he beats ha Wenjin, who has adopted over 1, 500 stray dogs and 200 cats over the years.
Moscow, Russia: Stray dogs sleep outside a metro station in the capital's new financial district, Moscow City.
Only two stray dogs benefited from all this confusion, for they greedily devoured what was left of the cake.
The only living thing to be seen were stray dogs. Not a person emerged from the darkness until we were given our guide to escort us into the mountains.
Moscow's thousands of stray dogs have something to wag their tails about - animal rights activists say the city has dropped a plan to round the dogs up and ship them to a camp far outside of town.
To enforce the crackdown, police in many parts of the country have beaten stray or unregistered dogs to death, sometimes in front of their owners.
Stray cats provide a flicker of movement as they wander in the newly emptied landscape. A few dogs have been left behind, one trailing its lead.
The Russian capital has an estimated 26,000 stray dogs, some smart enough to ride escalators and trains on the subway and others who intimidate or attack humans.
The Russian capital has an estimated 26,000 stray dogs, some smart enough to ride escalators and trains on the subway and others who intimidate or attack humans.