And then we walked down and visited the swan lake and grass lake.
The swan lake is sad – the swan-girls are doomed to eternal slavery.
The summer, of course, going to the Swan Lake, making castles at the.
My hometown's in Linze, there are black bridge, suspension bridge, single-plank bridge...... But I do like the Swan Lake chic Zigzag bridge roundabout.
During the Spring Festival of 2004, 42 shutterbugs came to live in a family of a small village located near the Swan Lake of Rongcheng, Shandong Province.
Objective to extinguish the epidemic of avian influenza infection of black swans in wild animal zoo of Shenzhen City and to clear up pollution of water body of the swan lake.
It was found out that the source region of the Swan Lake can not meet the drinking water standard by investigation and monitoring about current situation of water environment.
'Swan Lake' is one of the great classical ballets.
The swan was flying over a lake.
When he drank water from the lake, he saw a swan standing on a big stone nearby.
We didn't even have a stage large enough to fit all the swans in swan Lake. Now it's Guangzhou's turn.
The film begins with the prologue to "Swan Lake," in which the sorcerer Rothbart casts his evil spell.
And we drove a rented car up the highway to the sun, where we watched marmosets scramble around above the snow line, then spent a few days at Kootenai Lodge on Swan Lake.
The festivities were to have included a short new ballet, "the Far Shore", based loosely on the folk tale that inspired "Swan Lake".
Nina is poised to step into the dual role of Odette and Odile in "Swan Lake" at New York's Lincoln Centre.
A swan floats by as an elephant from the Circus Knie bathes in Lake Geneva.
Well, I'm thinking of going to see the ballet Swan Lake by the famous Russian National ballet Troupe this evening at Beijing Grand Theater.
The swans have been present at the lake since the 11thcentury; and the job of "Swan father, " which dates back to 1674, isthe city's oldest known job.
Pavlova glided across the stage like a swan on a lake.
To the ancients, the appearance of a swan, with its effortless glide on the mirror of a lake and lovely, unfurling flight, signaled evanescence and evoked immortal longings.
"Swan Lake" is honored as one of the classic ballets.
Swan Lake" is one of the famous classical ballets."
And from the ballet swan Lake, we can bear a conception in mind that swan is elegant.
I was sitting there enjoying the lake in the morning fog, a squeaking noise brought to my attention that a white swan skimming over the water.
They saw a swan and her babies swim to the other side of the lake, they saw a kingfisher dive in and scoop up a fish, and in the distance they saw a deer come to the water and drink thirstily.
Beacon Corner Swan Lake is located ancient ruins Gushan Yandun China Sea islands and the first stone - spotted a Yellow Sea between the stones Gulf, an area less than one square kilometers.
Viewing from New Swan, we appreciate the expanding scene among Fargues lake, Alps and Viersen.
The movie stars Natalie Portman as a mentally deranged dancer so obsessed with her starring role in Swan Lake that she begins an excruciating physical transformation into a black-feathered beast.
The swan glided across the lake.