In this paper, how to solve the system dynamics model is studied, and efficient numerical algorithm is put forward.
The research results show the strategy is well merged with priority combination of DUHP by the system dynamics model with good feedback mechanism.
Robot dynamics is a complex dynamic system, on the dynamic response of the processing object depending on the robot dynamics model and control algorithm.
In this paper, the articulated vehicle is simplified to a six-free-degree system in dynamics, and a dynamic mathematical model was derived and established.
Then, the neural networks model is applied to identify and process input data, design suitable networks layer for the vehicle longitude dynamics system control.
Build a system dynamics model of the project including causal loop diagrams and governing equations.
A model of the integrated dynamic control system of electric power steering (EPS) and active-suspension is set up according to the principle of vehicle system dynamics.
The gear transmission system dynamics model was analyzed according to the gear transmission principles and a dynamics method based on gear contact calculation was given.
System dynamics model shows the deed of system with structure and the focal point of system dynamics is to find structures.
The dynamic characteristics of the model had been analyzed in DE - tail, and the system dynamics results can be used for the references of every part.
With the method of system dynamics, the model of environmental economic system of Zhenjiang city in Jiangsu province is set up.
Foremost this methodology can reduce the dependence on precise model of the system dynamics.
Taking the forestry economy system of Nanch 'a area in Heilongjiang province as an example, a system dynamics (SD) model is built, tested and analyzed based on structure analysis.
Separating solving logic from multibody dynamics model, the consistency of status of constraint and force element component was achieved in multibody dynamics system simulation.
But for a multi time scale power system, existence and fundamental characteristics of fast manifolds must also be studied in order to obtain the model reduction condition of fixing slow dynamics.
The study establishes system dynamics model of risk prevention using theory and technology of system dynamics, and presents some idea, statecraft and means.
To search all feedback loops of a system is the basis of system dynamics model analysis.
This paper established a simulation model of guided system based on vehicle dynamics, with the effect of all main factors on guided performance investigated by simulation.
And building the inverse kinetic process model of thermodynamic system is a key problem for thermodynamic system inverse dynamics research and application.
The system is simplified into single degree of freedom dynamics model with piecewise linear restoring forces and square damping, then the piecewise nonlinear motion equation of ALT is established.
Setting up a dynamics model of damping system of damper, and programming with the MATLAB language to calculate and analyze the damping system.
Analysis of port's influence on economy is conducted based mainly on system dynamics (SD), combining also input-output method, the Mulitplier, and econometrics model.
The dynamics model of non-sinusoidal vibration system of crystallization utensil driven by elliptical gears was established, and its dynamics equation was derived.
The dynamics model of parachute-munition system is used to analyze the motion characters of submunition under the effect of wind gust, and the calculation model of projective point is presented.
Through the analysis of the working process of this linkage system, this paper execute the dynamic simulation and optimization of this model by using multi-body system dynamics software ADAMS.
通过对肘杆系统工作过程的分析并利用多体系统动力学软件( ADAMS)对模型进行了动力学模拟和优化设计。
Basis on the dynamics model of the product package system, the response of vibration environment in fragility part of this system is calculated with the method of pulse response.
The result shows that application of system dynamics model to predict urban water demand has the advantages of strong systematicness and high accuracy of prediction result.
Based on the system dynamics principle, I build optimize model of the plantation by applying STELLA5. 1.1 software.
The results from this model study indicate that the essential dynamics of the ENSO cycle can be determined by the tropical Pacific coupled ocean-atmosphere system itself.
The results from this model study indicate that the essential dynamics of the ENSO cycle can be determined by the tropical Pacific coupled ocean-atmosphere system itself.