Scientists from the Ohio State University have found that people are able to tell other people's emotions according to changes in the color of their faces.
The research team from Ohio State University came up with their theory by studying the effects of various living environments on mice.
The team from Ohio State University believe the connection could explain why levels of depression have increased as the use of electric lights have increased.
Researchers from the University of Arizona and Ohio State University found that the average cash-to-assets ratio for industrial firms in the U.S. rose by 129 percent from 1980 to 2004.
The study was carried out by Professor Terri Fisher, a psychologist at the Ohio State University in the U.S.
Professor John Gunstad, of Kent State University, Ohio, said the research showed obesity can damage the brain, 'especially the parts most important for paying attention and learning new things'.
To date Third Frontier has supported the likes of TechColumbus, Ohio State University and the Cleveland Clinic.
Eric Fingerhut, chancellor of the University System of Ohio, said past efforts to narrow the academic gap in his state fell short, but he hopes the broader alliance will provide more momentum.
俄亥俄大学系统的校长Eric Fingerhut说过去缩小学术差距的努力在本州还不够,但他希望更广泛的联盟能提供更多的动力。
Sherman Hanna, an economist at Ohio State University, says he does the grocery shopping in his family. His wife, an attorney, makes all the decisions about furnishing their house.
俄亥俄州立大学经济学家谢尔曼·汉纳(Sherman Hanna)在家中负责日常采购,家居布置则由他的律师妻子来拿主意。
Lonnie Thompson, a paleoclimatologist at Ohio State University in Columbus, who did the earlier work noting the rise of dust, says he was "impressed" with the data and called the work "thoughtful."
哥伦布市(Columbus)俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State Universit)的古气象学家LonnieThompson在其早期工作中曾注意到尘土增加的现象,他表示对Conroy提供的数据很感兴趣并且认为他们的研究充满思考性。
Located on the Ohio State University campus, this hotel is a great selection for families visiting college students or business travelers in the area.
The study, led by cancer researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive cancer Center, was published online in the International Journal of cancer.
"We imagined that the food resource on the landscape could have a couple different effects on relationships between nest predators and their prey." Ohio State University researcher Jennifer Malpass.
The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Ohio State University Pomerene Chair in Family Medicine, held by Best.
The stress that comes from discord appears to slow the initial production of a blood protein that is key to healing wounds, the report from Ohio State University said.
The police at Ohio State University say 51-year-old Nathaniel Brown entered the building early Tuesday and began firing.
俄亥俄州立大学警方说,51 岁的纳撒尼尔‧布朗星期二早上走入办公楼后开火。
The study was carried out by Professor Terri Fisher, a psychologist at the Ohio State University in the U. S.
I was at Ohio State University, where they've developed the fastest electric car in the world.
One of the most prominent "discoveries" occurred in 1977 when Dr Jerry Ehman observed a powerful narrowband radio signal detected by the Big Ear radio telescope in the Ohio State University.
Tyler became well-known nationally in1938 when he carried his work with the eight-year study from Ohio state university to the university of Chicago at the invitation of Robert hutchins.
It is simple to realize the map overlay analysis utilizing the map AnalysisPackage (map) which was researched and produced by Ohio State University of u, s. A. and others.
He has been a faculty member at the University of Utah and the Ohio State University.
An started working on this program while a graduate student at Ohio State University, Columbus, under the leadership of Ohio State astronomer Kris Sellgren, the co-investigator on the project.
According to new results from the Ohio State University, mice fed the blueberry extract doubled their lifespan, and had tumours 60 per cent smaller that in control mice.
According to new results from the Ohio State University, mice fed the blueberry extract doubled their lifespan, and had tumours 60 per cent smaller that in control mice.