As Jai's third wife, she should have been in purdah in a "city" of 400 other lounging and sewing women, watching the world through filigree screens.
Professor Kinski, Department of Slavic Philology and member of The Third-World Countries Literature Center at City Library.
Moreover, almost all the 2 billion people who will be added to the world's population between now and 2030 are going to be third-world city dwellers-and city people use more water than rural folk.
From the Third Chapter: he'd never been to a bigger city, this town was a big city in his eyes, a world in and of itself.
S. city of Pittsburgh. It will be the third summit in less than a year in which world leaders have come together to discuss their reactions to the global financial crisis.
S. city of Pittsburgh. It will be the third summit in less than a year in which world leaders have come together to discuss their reactions to the global financial crisis.