Ereira wonders if this will undermine the traditional authority of the Mamos - and if the Kogi's unique way of thinking is at risk.
However, the traditional authority judge and appraisal, China has established way of relevant evidence to verify the litigation system.
Like two of our runners-up this year, Julian Assange and the Tea Party, Mark Zuckerberg doesn't have a whole lot of veneration for traditional authority.
Many of the Pakistani militants were from socially marginalised backgrounds, had little clerical training and no claim to traditional authority.
The premise is that traditional web search, based on linking authority, is valuable - but some searches benefit greatly from displaying additional results prioritized by recency or social proxemity.
Jiang Qing claimed that few Westerners understand the traditional absoluteness of authority.
This builds upon the remit of the traditional project-based design authority role, but elevates it to the enterprise level, promoting reuse, consistency, and standardization across all SOA projects.
Narrative subject mainly includes an implied author and a narrator, which are basically in common in traditional novels, which generally believe in the principle of the narrator's authority.
The theories that morality is the key to everything and morality is useless are two different views on traditional moral authority.
The traditional local China's family was has contained essential factor the and so on family economy, family authority, patriarchal system and moral enlightenment folk form of society.
In traditional physical teaching, the knowledge authority of physical teacher was heightened highly and teachers became the carrier and embodiment of the former existing knowledge.
Xinzhuang village, because of its water rules, authority of the village and traditional resources, has constructed relevant mechanisms to solve the irrigation problems.
The Peasant household to choice the information channel, possibly receives the influences. such as the traditional custom, cognition ability, the production goal, the information authority and so on.
The reason to this is the combined action of "the special authority relations" theory and the traditional government system.
The time of network has brought such flooding of the so-called art designing that the authority of the traditional and legal position of the art designer has been challenged and threatened.
The enforcement of new curriculum is changing the traditional concepts of knowledge, student, learning, and thus clears up teachers' image of knowledge, text explanation, and legal authority.
Traditional topology discovery is based on SNMP protocol, but it by the authority, such as the deployment and the restrictions.
Traditional topology discovery is based on SNMP protocol, but it by the authority, such as the deployment and the restrictions.