Some have called him the greatest entertainer of the twentieth century.
Democracy survived the Civil War and the developing industrial leviathan and struggled on into the twentieth century.
For example, the character that means man in the Lishu system from 200 BC is similar to the character that means man from the Jiantizi, or modern simplified system, of the twentieth century.
By the middle of the twentieth century, the Frontier Thesis fell into disfavor among historians.
As late as the twentieth century, some writers still classed tomatoes with mandrakes as an "evil fruit".
This particular trend is regarded as one of the major developments in the presentation of natural history in the twentieth century.
In the latter decades of the twentieth century there were intensified efforts to understand and record the abundance of Australian rock art.
Temperatures climbed more rapidly in the twentieth century as the use of fossil fuels proliferated and greenhouse gas levels continued to soar.
The master of syncopation in music was Scott Joplin, African American composer writing a lot around the area of St. Louis at the turn of the twentieth century.
Improvements in childhood nutrition in the first quarter of the twentieth century, for example, gave today's elderly people a better start in life than their predecessors.
We need to foster an awareness of film sound as well as film space so as to truly appreciate an art form that sprang to life during the twentieth century — the modern film.
It was only with the growth of paediatrics and psychology in the twentieth century that studies could be carried out on a more objective, if still not always very scientific, basis.
Another, advanced in the twentieth century, suggests that humans have a gift for fantasy, through which they seek to reshape reality into more satisfying forms than those encountered in daily life.
In the Twentieth Century Kristin Chenoweth and Peter Gallagher star in a musical comedy.
Twice in the twentieth century, large meteorite objects are known to have collided with Earth.
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, more than sixty university members have won Nobel prizes.
The radio telescope thus appeared, and it is considered one of the greatest inventions in the twentieth century.
But it was not until the beginning of the twentieth century that architectural acoustics became a scientific field.
By the early part of the twentieth century, scientists believed that four distinct glaciations had affected North America and Europe during the Pleistocene epoch.
Bruce Lee is perhaps the greatest martial artist of the twentieth century.
Up until the twentieth century, many of these tales were ignored or discounted.
During the twentieth century scientists made amazing discoveries about the brain.
But for the rest of the twentieth century, the backlash cycle seemed to have stopped.
Understanding the map of Europe was essential to understanding the twentieth century.
The twentieth century is only the nineteenth speaking with a slightly American accent.
In the middle of the twentieth century, world population was expanding faster than food production.
In the middle of the twentieth century, world population was expanding faster than food production.