Unfortunately, the two times of Enlightenment Literature were both a flash, and waned soon.
We've faced them several times and I can't forget the two times they've beaten us in the Champions League.
We wanted to use the time taken to actually construct the full representation in memory for a fair comparison, which is why the two times in this chart are summed.
The definitions of the two times-table functions are remarkably close, but the new version is considerably more useful (as you can see from the three invocations in Listing 3).
Based on the large structure state of atmospheric temperature, the theoretical basis of the best observation time obtained through the two times electric ranging has been discussed.
The forming process for the insulation plate of the muffler was analyzed. The trimming operation was added between the two times of drawing to ensure the forming dimensions of the part.
According to the "realistic tradition", the author, basing on a large number of historical materials, tries to avoid the ideas before to investigate the changes of Chinese landscape in the two times.
The two poems we are looking at today fall into the category of medieval times.
Between 1920 and 1960, big cities in developed countries increased two and a half times in size, but in other parts of the world, the growth was eight times their size.
What a foolish girl! On the first day the millionaire paid her two pennies, and on the second day, two pennies times two pennies, or four pennies.
At Jackson's trial, although two witnesses testified that Jackson was with them in another location at the times of the crimes, he was convicted anyway.
At the Cincinnati northern Kentucky international airport, miniature horses deliver a calming force two times a month.
That's nearly two and a half times around Earth! For the first time, Coca Cola has shown that it uses 3,000,000 tons of plastic bottles each year.
There was a machine in the kitchen which could extract the juice of two hundred oranges in half an hour if a little button was pressed two hundred times by a butler's thumb.
The milkman came daily, the grocer, the butcher, the baker, and the ice-cream man delivered two or three times a week.
At the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, these sliced as much as two per cent off cyclists' and rowers' times.
It's called Smart Wheel, and it's designed to fit over the steering wheel of most standard vehicles to track whether or not the driver has two hands on the wheel at all times.
The waiter came over to us two more times with the same message.
Only two percent of the students watch TV one to three times a week.
Jenifer received great support from her family as she worked to earn her degree: Her husband worked two jobs to cover the bills, and her 68-year-old mother helped take care of the children at times.
The costs of daily consumer goods have been hiked at two times.
Each proton (or neutron) has about two thousand times the mass of an electron.
Note that you won't necessarily get these results in this order or one after the other; you're likely to see the first two several times before you see the last two.
The last two times this happened (1994-95 and 2000) were quickly followed by sharp falls in emerging-market shares.
1994- 95年和2000年,发生了2次新兴市场股票暴跌而迅速蔓延的事件。
Together, the broken chunks of ice equaled an area of 125 square kilometers, about two times the size of Manhattan Island in New York.
The other two times? In 2002, just before a five-year bull market, and 1988, the start of a 12-year bull.
Four times shorter, the period must be two times shorter.
For example, the word and appeared 1015 times, the word Apple appeared 45 times, and the word Adobe appeared two times.
For example, the word and appeared 1015 times, the word Apple appeared 45 times, and the word Adobe appeared two times.