The vertical force produced by the airflow past the upper and lower surfaces of the wing.
The left leg kicks to counter-balance the vertical force component of elevating and recovering right arm.
Finally, the critical velocity of shimmy varying with the vertical force during taxing was investigated in different caster lengths.
Provided two contact bodies are in the critical state of relative sliding, the tangential force is proportional to the vertical force.
The effect of the vertical force on the pier stiffness and the interaction among the level, bending and torsion displacement is also studied.
Cross sector seamless line, namely rail bar, rail bar and rail switch direct welding; the vertical force and displacement are direct transmitted between rail bars.
The source of the vertical force of Hexi-Qilian area in some areas and in a short duration due to the material migration of deep crust who is in some areas and in a short duration.
The engineering example shows that the horizontal displacement of isolation layer will decrease when the vertical force transfer is considered. The system has self-adjustable function.
You can also force an overwrite at any time using the >| (a greater-than symbol followed by a vertical bar) redirection operator.
您还可以在任何时候使用 >|(一个小于号加上一个竖线)重定向操作符强制进行覆盖。
When train runs from the rail of high rigidity to the rail of low rigidity, the rail vertical force, rail acceleration and tie acceleration gradually change from large to small.
When the aircraft is vertical there is little or no correction force, which results in a small but observable wobble.
For the sake of researching shoring technology in the profundity alluvium, introduced Vertical additional Force and devising well structure.
Therefore, a method of inversion for calculating certain parameters of the vertical earthquake force is here suggested.
This paper discusses and studies the influence of dynamic pressure support force between slits of inclined surface on operation of vertical canned motor pump and how to determine the force, etc.
This method takes fully into account the characteristics of supports and loads, deals especially with the nonlinearity of oil film force of guide bearing caused by vertical arrangement of spindle.
As control force source, the solid propellant gas generator was used to exert lateral force for the end control and the turn of vertical launching of missiles.
According to the field distributions in no-load and load operations, the methods of calculating the thrust and vertical force in a single-sided PMLSM are presented.
The method of computering vertical seismic force and development of researching vertical seismic effect are briefly introduced.
The short takeoff and vertical landing F-35B is designed for the US Marine Corps and the Royal Air Force and Navy.
短距起降型的F - 35b是为美国海军陆战队和英国皇家空军及海军设计的。
This paper deals with the inner force and deformation of curtain wall glass caused by vertical and side forces by using nonlinear theory of large deflection.
The vertical tendon can effectively set up vertical prestressing force in the concrete web and stirrups.
The vertical pressure acted on rod is also studied. Its size and distribution rules confirm the shearing force theory.
The result is that the bore acting force of the vertical square cylinders is related with the tidal bore height and the length of square cylinders.
The uplift force on bottom and the total vertical force of regular waves acting on perforated caisson are systematically investigated by experiments in this study.
Calculation method of foundation pressure of rigid foundation is used to calculate the change of vertical force on pile top induced by the error of a pile position.
Calculation method of foundation pressure of rigid foundation is used to calculate the change of vertical force on pile top induced by the error of a pile position.