He got very hot under the collar when I asked him where he'd been all day.
In the heat of the trading day, it's very easy to feel pressured to reallocate assets, either to jump on momentarily hot trend or dump existing holdings.
"As Kepler discovers more and more planets by the day, we can hopefully scan through those and work out if this is unique or if all hot Jupiters are very dark," Kipping said.
That was a mistake. It was already hot, 85 degrees or so, and the peak temperature of the day hit 95 and very humid.
More than the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month of this bulb garlic cook day, for this season is very suitable for hot temperatures, so called Laba garlic.
The results of course very badly, the people of the earth, animals, plants is not hot dead is freezing, also wrong time, wrong to make day dark, restless.
The weather is very hot today, I in the outside one day, although not is to work, but all the same tired, so not say much today!
You have to get up very early on that day, daybreak Imean. Because it would be extremly hot in the morning in the balloon basket.
One day, it was very hot. When the old man was working in his field, he felt so thirsty that he went to the valley for water to drink.
It was a hot summer day, so the official felt very uncomfortable in the10 sticky sedan chair.
One day he saw a farmer working in the field. The farmer was working very hard under the hot sun.
The day was very hot, and heaps of flies, who were extending their inquisitive and adventurous perquisitions into all the glutinous little glasses near madame, fell dead at the bottom.
I remember one day, it was a very hot day in the spring, and we hadn't been in a fight in a couple of weeks, maybe.
Weather is like every seven day of the tournament, very hot and very heat and humidity is so high.
Because we burnt very quickly on the first day we decided to limit our exposure to the sun yesterday which was blazing hot again.
Then one day towards the end of our hot subtropical summer, while driving the car, I noticed that some of the dials and switches on the dashboard were very, very sticky.
It was 1 a very hot day in the middle of summer, and there no trees along 2 the street.
It was a Thursday afternoon and I had showed up for work late. It was summer and it was a very hot day, so I was pretty glad to be able to stock the fridges because it would keep me cool.
When you are hot, you're hot, and your fine luck keeps on rolling to the very last day, October 31.
I remember big white clouds were swimming by, slowly and very high up, and the hot summer day lay motionless upon the silent earth.
We finally get to use the AC and fan these two days. hehe... the good thing for such a hot day, it's very enjoyable for swimming...
We finally get to use the AC and fan these two days. hehe... the good thing for such a hot day, it's very enjoyable for swimming...