Why, experts wail, so many people are willing to waste their lives in the virtual world to solve meaningless puzzles?
Some students who are addicted to the virtual world can't bear being separated from mobile phones even for a short while.
Otherwise, their child could end up one of those sad, pale creatures who can't make eye contact and has a girlfriend who lives only in the virtual world.
James lives in the virtual world.
But the virtual world has its ethical rules too.
You have several options with the passive side in the virtual world.
"In the virtual world you can do that around any interest," Kahn notes.
The virtual world is full of opportunities to interact and share with people around the world.
The virtual world and the real world should be parallel, otherwise we are likely to get into trouble.
When a new audience discovered the virtual world last autumn, it seemed to have found a second paradise.
In the virtual world, each participant was stationed at a railroad switch where two sets of tracks veered off.
The virtual world of Second Life is special in that much of it is made up of content created (and owned) by users.
In the virtual world There.com, members plan on taking part in a scavenger hunt and Valentine-themed pajama party.
在 There.com虚拟世界上,成员们打算参加清道夫狩猎和情人节主题的睡衣派对。
The answer then, is to use games as a springboard to connect users to other opportunities outside the virtual world.
The other drawback in the virtual world is that the processor busy rate can be misleading about how much capacity is left.
Otherwise, Simard hopes to improve on how the simulation models the behavior of human tugboat pilots in the virtual world.
The London School of Journalism has launched a college in Second Life to offer free lectures on journalism to the virtual world.
Actions could be taken by an avatar in the virtual world and sent into the real world and be directly applied to the real system.
The virtual world participants reported positive changes in all the healthy eating and physical activity measures except the number of hours slept.
For much of the history of the Internet, people entered deeper and deeper into the virtual world, through social networking, gaming and virtual reality.
Because you can dynamically extend new resources in the virtual world, you can architect a Lotus Domino environment that exploits these capabilities.
Vulnerabilities have been found in every cranny and nook of the virtual world and this is why it is very important to protect your phone against malware.
Toai is a great example of how a social network can add in location-based features to take networking beyond the virtual world and into the "real" world.
Films and video games have not demolished the little plastic bricks for which the Danish toymaker is famous. On the contrary, Lego has invaded the virtual world.
The client environment is modeled after the Web browser concept, with many familiar controls to help offset the learning curve of the virtual world experience.
The client environment is modeled after the Web browser concept, with many familiar controls to help offset the learning curve of the virtual world experience.