It should be taken seriously how national traditional cultures become the vital force in people's real life during the process of tourism development.
She is revered everywhere as a vital force in the fight for human rights and racial equality.
The vital principle or animating force in living beings; incorporeal consciousness; supernatural being.
The emergence of an “élan vital, ” a “life force” was coincident with the emergence of function.
Mr Obama last week declared that the "battle" to force the firm to examine its policies towards its workers was "absolutely vital".
The vital importance of the Treaty’s entry into force was reaffirmed at the 2010 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and included in the agreed action plan.
This is an association that is dedicated to advancing the overall design field as' a professional craft, strategic tool and vital cultural force 'in our society.
Youth League Organization, the main force and a vital new force in the construction of campus culture, makes constant practice, improvement and progress.
These areas are infused with a fresh, vital force capable of checking imbalances in the body systems.
In other words, the FIR waves vibrate in the same way as our vital life force.
One force counteracts another: vital force keeps the chemical laws of matter in abeyance; and muscular force can control the action of physical force.
Civilians play a vital role in the Force and have a wide variety of functional duties to complement the work of the disciplined staff.
The vital importance of the Treaty's entry into force was reaffirmed at the 2010 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and included in the agreed action plan.
Bearing training is vital in Mongolian dance teaching. The force shown in body bearing comes from serious limbs and trunk training.
As a vital new force, librarians will play a more eminent role in turning the digital divide to the digital opportunity with their knowledge, skills and professional spirit.
One force counteracts another: vital force keeps the chemical laws of matter in abeyance ;
It includes vital force of Chinese history and aspect of Chinese thought, which expresses myth of Chinese tradition and tells the spring information of Chinese culture for generations.
Long span transmission tower-line system is a vital lifeline to power system. Exposing in environment, the system must be robust enough to bear destructive force in extreme environmental conditions.
Under the action of dynamic force, the dynamic properties of tailings sands have vital importance for safety stability of tailings pond.
Use the first two weeks of March to initiate your most vital endeavors, for the force will be with you.
Big roc is frequently employed in Chinese ancient literary works to represent the image of strong vital force.
The suite of armor or shield produces a magical force that protects vital areas of the wearer more effectively.
The impacting force between tube and support plate is one of the parameters which plays a vital role in the prediction of tube fretting wear rate.
The mathematical modeling activity is springing up vigorously in universities, which provides vital force and energy for the university mathematical teaching.
To ensure safe and reliable communication systems, it is vital that the power room inside force and environmental equipment is automatically monitored and organically managed.
On 4 april 1942, she was joining the british home fleet. the force got underway to engage in reconnaissance for the protection of the vital convoys running to murmansk.
However, a surge of heat rush my vital brain from the accu-point Mingmen, suddenly burst clear, I am as pull the plug from an emotional force field, great sense of shame.
National defense students are not only a new vital force in the new military revolution, but an important component of the talent team.
National defense students are not only a new vital force in the new military revolution, but an important component of the talent team.