The panel was formed in 1977 to enforce the World heritage convention and manage the heritage list created based on the convention.
The panel was formed in 1977 to enforce the World heritage convention and manage the heritage list created based on the convention.
He managed the world Heritage Convention for over 10 years, coordinating several important conservation projects in the most important sites in the world.
Starting from the world Heritage Convention and the Outstanding Universal Value, this paper explores the impacts of the changing world to the Outstanding Universal Value of the a world Heritage.
The goal of the partnership, signed at the end of 2005 for an initial period of three years, is to raise awareness of the World Heritage Convention, and the map is an essential tool for this purpose.
To keep the authenticity and integrality of the world heritage is the responsibility of each member who belongs to the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage Convention.
China joined the Convention for Protecting the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1985. Up to now, 30 places have been inscribed in the World Heritage List in China.
China joined the Convention for Protecting the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1985. Up to now, 30 places have been inscribed in the World Heritage List in China.