Should you look at the same word in rapid succession or look at the word and then have some delay before you look at it again?
The next step, then, is to look at the problem again, but this time from the perspective of dynamic (i.e. runtime) behavior.
After looking at the photos, they were asked to count backward from 8, 211 by 7s, then look at another picture of a person they knew but were not in love with, then count backward again.
Then look at it again, and join your thoughts of the now with what you had felt then.
Then, in subsequent test runs, a human tester will not need to look at the text equivalent again unless the image or the text has changed since the last test run.
He could not look at her at all now, his gaze moving from side to side, then down to the floor, then up again to some distant point behind her.
The cat’s green, gleaming eyes opened once to look at Jaimie, then closed again.
Keep visual contact with a person you’re flirting for at least seven seconds, and then smile and look away. Then again glance mysteriously at him and turn away.
For now, take a quick look at the output and then run a few set commands with new keys and then run the stats command again, noticing the changes.
You define a snapshot using the MKCP command, and then look at the checkpoints again.
I scowled at his perfect face. His eyes were light again today, a deep, golden honey color. Then I had to look down, to reassemble my now-tangled thoughts.
I hand the quizzes back to student to look at and make corrections and then I collect them again to keep.
A moving song that floated in the street and at times is also a come-on, unbearable look for everywhere, all of the desire hears finish or hear again and then and quickly.
"Then come again and look at the hole," said the neighbor, "it will be the same as looking at the gold."
The Lakers look to snag a new win-streak high tonight at Seattle against the SuperSonics. They then play Portland, Miami and the Trail Blazers again.
You look at her, one day she will know the long-winded speech, then a few words over and over again is, I hear the ears are long cocoon son, and that is not creative!
"Life if only as first", really just met miss moments, really just laughter and smiling at me, really just feels so instantly lights wanes between suddenly look back, then again be how?
"Life if only as first", really just met miss moments, really just laughter and smiling at me, really just feels so instantly lights wanes between suddenly look back, then again be how?