The thing I hate most is that you have ignored me for a long time, and then suddenly began to talk to me and began to care about me, as if nothing had happened.
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Then I received her letter which only one sentence:I love you, but I hate you too!
At the turning point of the memoir, Lulu, then 13, begins smashing glasses in a Moscow restaurant and yelling at her mother, "I HATE my life, I HATE you."
Then the little boy turned to Joe Biden and said, "I know why people hate you."
After a couple minutes when she's a little calmer, I then calmly tell her that saying I hate you hurts people's feelings and it's not okay for her to say.
I don't love you anymore, I will tell you the truth, then you can start to hate me.
I thought: I have enough trouble, and then add only hate the guy, really mad people, and I will catch you can not be non!
I thought: I have enough trouble, and then add only hate the guy, really mad people, and I will catch you can not be non!