“Low-phosphate dish detergents are a waste of my money,” said Thena Reynolds, a 55-year-old homemaker from Van Zandt County, Tex. , who said she ran her dishwasher twice a day for a family of five.
“低磷洗洁精简直在浪费我的金钱”,55岁的家庭主妇Thena Reynolds来自德克萨斯州Van Zandt镇,据她说,她每天两次用洗碟机为五口之家洗碗碟。
“Low-phosphate dish detergents are a waste of my money,” said Thena Reynolds, a 55-year-old homemaker from Van Zandt County, Tex. , who said she ran her dishwasher twice a day for a family of five.
“低磷洗洁精简直在浪费我的金钱”,55岁的家庭主妇Thena Reynolds来自德克萨斯州Van Zandt镇,据她说,她每天两次用洗碟机为五口之家洗碗碟。