It is the starting point to which the theorist returns after every ingenious excursion.
An experimental version of the traditional scholarly methods course was designed to raise students' consciousness about the usefulness of traditional learning for any modern critic or theorist.
In the abnormal case, the personality theorist needs to say, or so it seems to me, the two deaths come apart.
So who is Becker? A far out crackpot or wild conspiracy theorist?
He was critic and theorist. What I discovered was his critical writings.
IN 1899 John Dewey, an American education theorist, published "the School and Society".
Suppose the soul theorist answers that last objection by saying,Ain't ever going to happen.
Feng Menglong was the first editor, researcher and theorist of vernacular literature in China.
In 1969 the famous American translation theorist Eugene A. Nida put forward functional equivalence theory.
As the urban theorist Richard Florida writes in the Great Reset, part of that process may be under way already.
Another conspiracy theorist has posted about the find, but with a different opinion about the large object.
One of Mr Werning’s ambitions is to unite Ramsey’s work with that of another elegant theorist, Sir James Mirrlees.
Media theorist Douglas Rushkoff (" Program or Be Programmed "and" Life Inc ") would argue "nothing in particular."
"At present, it would be foolhardy to say one [theory] looks better than the other," says CERN theorist John Ellis.
“目前,要说某种[理论]看起来比其他更好些,这将是鲁莽的,”欧洲核子研究中心的理论家约翰·埃利斯(John Ellis)说。
But in the abnormal case, the personality theorist needs to say, or so it seems to me, the two deaths come apart.
Matthew Rabin, at the University of California, Berkeley, is widely recognised as a leading behavioural theorist.
加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的马修·拉宾(Matthew Rabin)被广泛认为是主要的行为理论家。
That sounds like a messy disaster but, in reality, the game theorist in me wonders if that might in fact be design.
Well, maybe what the soul theorist would have to do at this point is accept the — da-ta-da — the no branching rule.
Maybe the soul theorist has an alternative available to it that — available to him that the other theories don't have.
In the 18th century, the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham designed the Panopticon, a hypothetical prison.
And if the best the soul theorist can say is, "I can't explain it and neither can you," that's not a reason to believe this side.
Now, however, one theorist suggests that, at least in principle, these hypothesized dimensions might reveal themselves in another subtle way.
Indeed, the organization theorist William Scott (1987:45) classifies Simon (1947) within the paradigm of 'organizations as rational systems.'
其实,组织理论家WilliamScott(1987: 45)就把Simon(1947)归为“理性系统组织”的范式。
It doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to note that the e-mails — which were stolen, after all — were released right before the Copenhagen summit.
Perhaps most important for some theorists, "SUSY is very beautiful mathematically, " says Ben Allanach, a theorist at the University of Cambridge.
Mr Werning is an economist's economist; an elegant theorist, whose early contributions provided streamlined proofs that other thinkers could make use of.
Mr Werning is an economist's economist; an elegant theorist, whose early contributions provided streamlined proofs that other thinkers could make use of.