The Ethiopian statement says that there is "no definitive explanation" for the crash near the Lebanese capital, which occurred during stormy weather.
There is no sign that any other country could be better than China in near future.
There is no need to redeploy the connectivity logic into the infrastructure, as it is all described in the registry, and acted upon in near real-time.
The stone monument is believed to be erected near 2500 BC though there is no concrete proof the origin.
Japan has no difficulties financing its deficit and there is no sign that it could face a sovereign debt crisis in the near future.
The Ethiopian statement says there is "no definitive explanation" for the crash near the Lebanese capital, which occurred during stormy weather.
At least in the near term there is plenty of LNG because capacity originally intended to serve America is no longer needed for that purpose.
There is no offshore wind farm yet in the U.S., but the controversial Cape wind project near Nantucket Island is moving closer to approval.
If there is no radio station near you in the language you are studying, look online for Internet radio stations.
Since there is no clear solution, the problem of cheating remains on the list of issues to be addressed very seriously in the near future.
There is no chance of rents and incomes increasing at a rapid pace in the near future, which means home prices MUST fall before the nation's affordability crisis can be solved.
If there is no desk or table near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.
Yet there is no grand plan for dealing with the tens of thousands of evacuees—many in their 70s and 80s—from towns near Fukushima who are living in temporary shelters.
Because there is no "bridge" between the host kernel and the guest kernel, Linux guest can run at relatively near-native speeds.
So as we often inform you there is no need to be entrapped in fear over what is happening now, or in the near future.
If there is no the sun radiation, the ground temperature will quickly reduced to near absolute zero.
There is no use in your walking five miles to fish when you can depend on being just as unsuccessful near home.
The deals are likely to continue, though there is no particular rush, since the credit markets seem unlikely to rebound in the near future.
Some freight is stone prices several times, think carefully since near or in our province, there is no need to go too far to spend money.
Near the studio, there are between the hotel, I have good price with the store speakers in preparation for painting goes back on that wall is called the alley, no one knew me, nobody knows my past.
And before any strike is taken, there must be near-certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured-the highest standard we can set.
It too hot when there is no power. Our studies suffer and when exams are near we cannot study properly. That affects our grades.
Discussing the near reality situation imperfect capital mobility, we find that there is no relationship between capital and real exchange rate.
There is no sign of the two wayward whales that have been lost near San Francisco and that could be a good thing.
Most ppl just stay on campus. There are no malls near by which is quite inconvenient for freshmen since we are not allowed to bring our cars.
Most ppl just stay on campus. There are no malls near by which is quite inconvenient for freshmen since we are not allowed to bring our cars.