All the students are expert drivers, but before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test.
Before enrolling in the study, subjects had to pass a "centrifuge-tolerance test" to make sure they wouldn't vomit.
Given that doesn't even pass the smell test, it would've made most researchers pause to wonder if they were going down the wrong road.
Nobody can excuse school districts that have resorted to cheating to pass the tests. But others found that when they raised their standards, they saw test scores fall.
They would not need to pass a test to obtain one but the system would have to be self-financing, requiring applicants to pay a fee.
他们并不用通过考试获得牌照,但这个制度必须自负盈亏,让申请者出钱。 如果不出钱的话,骑车族就是在马路基建上揩油的人。
But usually we don't call it mathematics - and we certainly don't give people a pass on the math test because they can park their car.
Her students, she says, don't see this intense test-prepping as problematic: "They think the goal is to pass the test."
If they don't pass the test, go over this telephone answering tips list with them.
Even Microsoft admits that they are only including tests that they wrote (for which they claim IE9 to pass) not the entire test suite.
Cons: I was quite surprised they didn't pass the Portuguese test. It seems they have a (I hope temporary) bug with this language.
Only 30% of apprentices pass the test -which is not to say that the rest die by eating their fugu -they can fail in earlier parts of the test.
Having placed great expectations on their son, they couldn't hold back huge disappointment and anger when they learnt their son's failure to pass the test.
In the end, 1, 215 teachers, about 3.5 percent of our total, had to leave the classroom because they couldn't pass the test.
Black people had no right to vote in the southern states. If they wished to, they had to pass a reading test.
The city's transportation system is so challenging that would-be cab drivers must pass a test demonstrating that they possess " The Knowledge" in order to drive traditional black cabs.
All the students are expert drivers, but before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test.
All the young men are expert drivers, but before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test.
The university requires most non-native English speakers to pass a test before they can become a T. A .
Only 30% of apprentices pass the test – which is not to say that the rest die by eating their fugu – they can fail in earlier parts of the test.
As part of the standard procedure, they sent it to two members of its Board of Reviewing Editors, who recommended that it go out for peer review (about 30 percent of manuscripts pass this test).
Granted, they made mistakes, and granted, some of their design decisions didn't pass the test of time, but they still got a lot of things right, and what wasn't right could and can be corrected.
All the student are expert drivers, but before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test.
Only officers who pass a polygraph test focused on ethical behavior can work for the Model Precinct and they are re-evaluated by the U. s. Embassy every six months.
Everyone says it's right to do good deeds, but when states come, they can't pass the test. Confused by states, they do evil deeds instead of good ones.
The Universities require most non-native English speakers to pass a test before they can become a TA.
Her students she says don't see this intense test-prepping as problematic: "They think the goal is to pass the test."
Her students she says don't see this intense test-prepping as problematic: "They think the goal is to pass the test."