In a backhanded way, I think a lot of my energy and strength comes from my campaigning.
The way they come together and help each other is a real inspiration, and something I think a lot of us here in the UK have forgotten.
I think a lot of what people consider luck is attributed to how you respond to the opportunities that come your way.
We meet for one hour. But I think a lot of time is wasted in transportation.
Kay said: 'I think a lot of people believe in trusting their instincts when dating.
Kay said: "I think a lot of people believe in trusting their instincts when dating."
Ron Paul: Well, I think a lot of people believe that, but I think they're totally dreaming about it.
"They've got checklists and lots of unromantic plans, but I think a lot of that can wait," Dr. Love notes.
So I think a lot of men found themselves wanting to lose control, wanting to be the one who was controlled.
I think a lot of times, when people are raising concerns to team leaders, I think we are on the wrong path.
I think a lot of us might answer: Women. And as a Canadian woman I probably apologize more than anyone else.
I think a lot of young people think there's something wrong with them if they haven't "found themselves" by age 22.
So I think a lot of money will have to come home, so there probably will be a liquidation of many of these assets.
It's even easier than ever to Sue somebody for copyright infringement in Sweden and I think a lot of companies are in big trouble.
I think a lot of people want to quit their jobs because the situation of working for yourself brings a sense of more freedom and control.
I think a lot of people think I'm naive, and that may well be true, but I wouldn't have started a search engine in 1998 if I wasn't naive.
"I don't think a lot of athletes realize how much people are watching them," Patterson said. "people look at us as the top dogs on campus."
I think a lot of people will be uncomfortable accepting a scientific conclusion if it necessarily leads to outcomes they find objectionable.
But I think a lot of people who come to San Francisco come to look for a deeper understanding of that history, and we're the ones who can help.
You should cater to her likes, think what she thinks. That means you are supposed to think a lot of job requirements, and make clear your role definition.
I think a lot of the difficulty in translation, beyond the initial point of understanding what you're reading, comes from wrestling with your native language.
I think a lot of the difficulty in translation, beyond the initial point of understanding what you're reading, comes from wrestling with your native language.