We can be environmentalists. Get educated. Stay educated. So we can think for ourselves. Join the fight. Save this unique beautiful plant for future generations.
Only when we think for ourselves can we become truly free. Earning money online is all well and good, but if you aren't careful, it can become just another job, just another 9-to-5.
We need to train ourselves to think differently, shift our mindsets and realize that diversity opens doors for all of us, creating opportunities in organizations and communities that benefit everyone.
When we start to have a sense of offering a helping hand for a cleaner city and greener world, and when we have a loving heart to think more of others than of ourselves and are ready to help them, we can say that we have grown up.
I think no matter what diets we follow or what slimming products we obsess ourselves with, at the end of the day there's no magic trick to shape up for the summer.
For some reason we are satisfied when we think we are well-protected; it does not occur to us to ask ourselves: Why has this happened?
And if we're going to grow our way out of some of the hole that we've dug for ourselves, we ought to be trying everything we can think of. And then some.
‘We have a tendency to think of ourselves as rational individuals who are driven by economic motives, but in fact we are social individuals, driven by the need for relationships.’
Sometimes we simply did what was expected of us without ever stopping to think about what we eventually wanted to accomplish for ourselves.
And that gave me a feeling that perhaps that's what we all must do-think out for ourselves what we could believe and how we could live by it.
他的话使我感到或许我们每个人都应该这样做- - - - - -独立思考自己应该信仰什么以及如何在生活中坚守自己的的信仰。
"I know I will be speaking into a gale about this," he said, "but I think it is important for people to know we are turning ourselves inside out to meet our obligations."
I'm certainly not the one who is going to make up a standard manifesto for those of us who consider ourselves greenies, but I think I'd like to ruminate on it a while.
Schelling proposes that we think of ourselves not as unified selves but as different beings, jostling, contending, and bargaining for control.
AIDS patients in Wenlou Village are still struggling with the devil for survival relentlessly.But when we reflect on ourselves, I think most of us will feel awkward and guilty.
A smaller number think that we figure the rules out for ourselves, using our capacity to reason and choosing a philosophical system to live by.
For example, we may push ourselves relentlessly to be successful because we think that we value a certain kind of success.
I do not think like that, I think at the moment we have to set ourselves a realistic target and to get in touch with the teams who are fighting for the Champions League positions.
For the most part, we don't 'think' ourselves different; we 'do' ourselves different.
I think we're often too hard on ourselves for things we've done in the past.
I'm quite confident that if you think about the capabilities and competencies we have created for ourselves we are very well position on the market.
About the face problem, I think we should not take it serious, we are not living for other people, we are living for ourselves.
They can and they do. I don't think we ever really, really, know someone else. For that matter, few of us ever really know ourselves.
And at the time to Think blog, they're pointing to a web CAM that may - if conditions are right - give us all a chance to look for ourselves the next time the flight comes over the coast.
This is a very classical book for newbies of programing. There are some versions of translation. But I still think that we can do it by ourselves.
As rational humans we generally like to think that everyone can get along in a peaceful way while seeking better lives for our children and ourselves.
I think every parent probably wants that for their child, and maybe a little bit for ourselves too.
He now has enough for a deposit on a small two-room apartment. But at the moment we do not think it is a good time to buy and we do not want to saddle ourselves with a mortgage.
He now has enough for a deposit on a small two-room apartment. But at the moment we do not think it is a good time to buy and we do not want to saddle ourselves with a mortgage.